The ammeter needs to be 100 percent. Everything passes through it and without it no charge. Run a temporary jumper from the battery to the regulator and see what happens. Or use the wiper wiring.Back at it again today and compiled some information.
Key off:
12.7 battery
12.7 at starter solenoid
12.7 out of bulkhead connector
12.7 at alternator
and 0 at voltage regulator
This should confirm connections and fusible link
Key on engine off:
12.5 battery
12.5 starter solenoid
11 out of bulkhead connector
11 at alt
and 10.4 at voltage regulator
so the voltage drop is inside, the ammeter works (?) because it bounces around
I'm leaning toward an ignition switch because of the 11 volts at bulkhead connector but 10.4 at voltage reg
Also, I see a splice in the wiring diagram which to me looks like the vehicle should charge regardless of the ammeter
You sure as hell do not want it on the regulation side. Running the temporary by pass to the ignition side [blue wire] of the regulator will by-pass the ignition switch and associated wiring. If it charges ok then you know the rest of the system works. Just try it and see what happens.Can you explain in a little more detail
Run a jumper to the ign side of regulator or to the field side?
Let it run for a while with the lights on. Reach up and touch the studs on the ammeter. If they are hot there is a problem.Being that the ammeter jumps around I would think it works
Is there a way to test it
You do not full field this set up by running 12 volts.Ok
That’s what I thought
I didn’t know if you were thinking to full field the alternator
A smoking regulator is not a good part.Why are you replacing good parts? If something works leave it alone.