It was actually a decent workday though not the most productive.
Help me out with this one:
Does it ever bother you when time passes on the job and you feel that you got little done?
It annoys me.
I hate inefficiency. I try to make every step count, every move. I like a well thought out plan, not spending a bunch of time waiting for approvals, standing around or flying by the seat of my pants.
Hey Kern, I hear you and agree. However, most of the guys I work with are either extremely lazy or decrepit or both. They will only do the absolute minimum on everything, if that. It's so if I do just one thing we are supposed to do, I look like a butt kisser for doing what we are being paid to do! It really takes the wind out of your sail so to speak. I like making things better and take a little pride in what I do and it eases my conscious so I could actually sleep better at night if we didn't rotate shifts!