Most of us will never know when that day will come, thank God. My brother, is my big brother, he's 7 years older and avoids death at all cost. Doesn't like looking at it or talking about it. Although he takes care of business, the thought of it brings him down, so to speak. My parents and son and the dozen or so other family members on both sides fell on me, mostly, to start and finish the process. My parents knew that I was more sentimental than my brother and my dad insisted that they'd be buried where I could take care and remember them. Why me, my eyes tear up just thinking about it. My brother has always been there for them and me, hell, we share a bucket list farm together. It's my job, I guess. He has said to me, that life, in a very sad way, toughened me in ways that are truly not fair, but, I grew up pretty quick, emotionally anyway, in the last 15 years. I have mentioned many times that I've been on a downsizing mission. Selling houses to get to that sweet spot that anyone could take a broom to and sweep out the door. Here recently, I have given money to family friends that are like my own kids, and were friends to my son. I love them very much. After my son passed away, they never left, I look over my shoulder and there they are. None of their family knows about the money and I made it perfectly clear that it remain that way. I not born in family, I'm an add on. I'm not there to steal a spot or to make someone feel that they aren't doing as much, or whatever. Like taking care of my stuff, my things that are left, including money, has been taken care of. I've got my place in order and no notice of my demise will be published. Like you, some things like our hearts are soft and some are like cold rolled steel, can't help it. I have made it my mission to go out on my own terms and not leave a thing undone. No regrets that I can fix now. Unlike our cars, life has no reverse, so we all just mustard forward to the unknown, hopefully, day of wreckoning.............................. You did good and thanks for sharing!!