Happened AGAIN, another collision! First it was a deer driving the wife’s car, then the guy that rear-ended my Dakota while her car was still in the body shop. Yesterday – a friggin flying turkey. My Dakota is in the body shop finally able to get it repaired. I mean WTF? If that bird would have been an inch lower in altitude, may have spared the roof-line damage above the windshield. Who knows, that might a had the bird inside the cab.
Looked like a flying bowling ball. The hit launched the overhead console out into pieces on the floor, little pieces of glass everywhere, and the home-link RV mirror post, not just the mount, busted. Window looks ready to cave in.
How many ‘flying’ turkeys create a road hazard? Was driving northbound back from the store and noticed a semi in the on-coming lane weave about, thought he may have blown a tire; but then noticed the turkey in the road in front of the semi. It took flight in my direction and I got to send it further in flight. So now down to my ’63 as the only drivable transportation until I get a rental.
Starting to think I have bad karma..
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