True, I can't work on my car projects but that's okay. Hell, if I could work on them year-round I'd probably spend too much money.
Take this with the knowledge that I live on the Front Range of the Rockies and the snow can turn my area into a winter wonderland. It's snowing right now and I love storms. I also think the snow is beautiful. Most of our trees are conifers so they don't lose their leaves (needles) in the winter, which makes for Christmas card-like landscapes. Shoveling is kind of a bitch but it's good winter exercise. I refuse to give up valuable garage space for a snow blower. Most times if the snow is deep, some neighbor with a blower does the sidewalks anyway. In this particular storm, someone has already cleared my walks.
When it's REALLY cold and the air bites at the inside of your lungs the air feels so clean and fresh. I'm sure part of it is our humidity is extremely low here year-round and that makes it feel so much better. Plus we have all the winter sports. Skiing, snowboarding, tubing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, and sometimes I see people cross-country skiing in my neighborhood.
It may be my Norwegian genes because the people in my family feel the same way.
Does ANYBODY else like winter?
Is this " a lot" ?By mid-March, we are generally done here and that's only 7 weeks away, although a lot can happen between now and then.
You do have beautiful country. I was never in Colorado, but I've been in Park City Utah and the winter wonderland is stunningly spectacular.I just finished shoveling. I did the neighbor lady's driveway too. Once you get warmed up it's not too bad. I was thinking while I was shoveling. At our elevation, of 7500' I only mow the grass about 4 or 5 times a year so I guess it works out.
And all the while we're hitting record lows AND record highs and almost within the same week lolI lived in Michigan all my life and worked outside for the Railroad for 38 years.
Now I hate cold weather....
Since I retired 2005 the global warming thing has got so mild in Michigan.
There is very little snow any more... the bare ground isn't frozen in January??
We had heavy rain a couple days ago and the dogs came in with muddy feet.
but that's OK.... I dont have to shovel mud!![]()