I used to know a guy with a temper just like that. In 2011 or 2012, he just quit coming around.
One time he climbed off a roof we were working on to destroy his radio for playing a Tim McGraw song. Hey, that assclown annoys me too but I simply change the channel.
He went through 6 or 7 Skilsaws in one year from making a shitty cut, blaming the saw and destroying it by repeatedly throwing it down or hitting it with hammers.
One woman broke up with him and he couldn't handle it. He was out hunting and found a dead lamb, loaded it into his truck, drove to a concert venue where she was, paid the parking fee and drove every row looking for her truck. Once he found it, he put the dead lamb on the hood of it.
He was a powder keg that got far worse as he got older. We used to be friends but he just got too far out there to be close to anymore.