Well-Known Member
I've been absent from this site for quite some time. I'm getting caught up on the threads. I've just read this one all the way through.
I agree with some that there are allot of cry baby's on here. If you watch T.V. you watch drama. Like stated before this is the only all Mopar show to be had. I remember getting so upset with T.V back in the day before DVR. I'd only get to see one or two shows a season Mopar related. I got so sick of Chevy and Ford sh%^ being played every week.
I talked to Mark on Facebook about my 72 Charger Rallye just after I bought it. I shared pictures with him and asked for advice on where to locate different parts. He was very cool. He didn't call me "Long Turd" one time.
I like his show because its informative and my 13 year old daughter loves to watch it with me. It makes her happy to see these awesome cars restored. She dreams of the day she see's my projects finished and gets to drive them.
I also enjoy the horse play. I hang out at a buddy's garage all the time and we're constantly talking trash. Not as cleanly as they do on GYC I might add. It's what friends do. Quit complaining like a bunch of old women. I only wish I had the funds to be able to have Mark and the boys restore my cars.
I agree with some that there are allot of cry baby's on here. If you watch T.V. you watch drama. Like stated before this is the only all Mopar show to be had. I remember getting so upset with T.V back in the day before DVR. I'd only get to see one or two shows a season Mopar related. I got so sick of Chevy and Ford sh%^ being played every week.
I talked to Mark on Facebook about my 72 Charger Rallye just after I bought it. I shared pictures with him and asked for advice on where to locate different parts. He was very cool. He didn't call me "Long Turd" one time.
I like his show because its informative and my 13 year old daughter loves to watch it with me. It makes her happy to see these awesome cars restored. She dreams of the day she see's my projects finished and gets to drive them.
I also enjoy the horse play. I hang out at a buddy's garage all the time and we're constantly talking trash. Not as cleanly as they do on GYC I might add. It's what friends do. Quit complaining like a bunch of old women. I only wish I had the funds to be able to have Mark and the boys restore my cars.