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I'm really bored, fire/smoke is keeping me couped up....


Jackstand racer #1 & proud of it, Sir Posts A Lot
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
12:46 PM
Jan 16, 2011
Reaction score
NorCal Sierras
I'm really bored, if you couldn't tell already, sorry if I'm obnoxious to anyone, I can't hardly sleep, can't go out for any length of time, can't golf, can't wrench on the RR, can't do my landscape project {I like that kind of} & I'm tired of being stuck in the dang house, for well over a week now, because of all the smoke from the big arse fire nearby, it's really thick in the mornings ,like a fog & not as bad late at night for some reason... A bunch of big-ol' red & white 727's fly overs I can see them banking to line up to drop the retardant then they drop out of my sight range & over the next ridge 20 miles away probably, they're really low to the ground too, maybe 500ft above the house, a bunch of helicopters too dragging a long line with a water pouch or maybe the same ones over & over probably more likely, reloading water or fire retardant, back & forth, somewhere just up the hill Northwest from me, returning to the southwest @ the big arse Rim/Yosemite fire... I can't hardly go outside, without a darn respirator or wet-rag wrapped around my face, so I'm not breathing all that nasty crap, air quality is horrible, especially early mornings... I can't really work on anything outside or even in the garage, I just start gaging couching or coughing... I guess it's now effecting them down in the SF area too, because they get their water from us up here {flush twice, it's a long way to SF...LOL...}, from Hetch Hetchy water resources, now they say it's being polluted by all the floating ash from said fire... schools are closed up here for a week at-least, near 200,000 acres & something like 250sq miles, burnt &/or burning, only something like 20% contained now which is allot better than 7% yesterday... The Lord Budnicks is fine, Pops is asthmatic so he's having some issue too, I'm glad we put a new A/C unit in to filter all the nasty stuff out of the air inside at-least.... just an update, I figured I would share... I'm bored as Hell !!
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thanks for the update bud , you no what there all saving post some photos ,take care it will be over
Sorry guys, I have no camera that I can download or I can take photos, but my new computer isn't compatible with my old 2000 ViviCam20 camera software, I just learned how to use that camera {well kind of anyway}, my nephew gave it to me... My phone is a cheapo & it doesn't have a camera... Not really on my priority list either... But such is life, I went with out a camera for most my adult life anyway, except my old Polaroid, all the kids & all my friends or family, Lisa or now Honey took all the photos anyway, I'm not a very good photographer either...LOL... oh well

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I've tried some software, that supposedly will make it compatible, different driver or what ever it is, but it don't work...
grab the dam neighbor :tongue:
That's right you are not that far away from that disaster, or should I say much closer than I am. Anywhere you can go camp out for a while? Old Concord buddies? You can be the guy that crashes on someone's couch wearing a wife beater!! Maybe Bob Odell needs some company?? Haha! Just trying to stir the pot and get some laughs. Get a respirator and do your gardening anyway. Or there is always us on here!
damme%20cold%20caller[1].jpg0826-rim-fire-space-station_600x450[1].jpgfa95a04a849d4d16a03aaba4e9138626[1].jpgb87b5a89176249eba2c31355dc062065[1].jpg78081300335f4e38ba0bac8d1e580b16[1].jpg0826-rim-fire-iss-smoke2_600x450[1].jpg14a57225962c4dbdbc7e846c2f3aed18[1].jpg ok now where the hell are you put a dam X on the spot and I`ll call my buddy that's a smoke jumper and have him drop you a case of cold coors
That's right you are not that far away from that disaster, or should I say much closer than I am. Anywhere you can go camp out for a while? Old Concord buddies? You can be the guy that crashes on someone's couch wearing a wife beater!! Maybe Bob Odell needs some company?? Haha! Just trying to stir the pot and get some laughs. Get a respirator and do your gardening anyway. Or there is always us on here!

yeah meeps, I lmfao when I saw Bobs name... It has crossed my mind, I was going to go down to, Danville & stay with my Aunt & Uncle they would love to have me ,old Pops & my dog Buddy... I want to stay & see if I need to get stuff out especially my car, if it gets too close I will get out & get my car out too.... NO NO NO, no gardening, I don't do that stuff... I believe in mostly all maintenance free yards, very little water usage, no lawns, very little weeds... Just a couple new block retaining walls & 3 new Blue Spruce trees in block planters & some different colored gravel... Hummmmm it's good fire break too, now that I think of it...LOL...

me in a "wife beater", passed out on some-ones couch, like old times, back in my hay day...LOL...

I had much more hair on my head & less on my back too...LOL...
good nite bud god be with you

Thanks & OMG, I'm not anywhere near that damn hairy... The Animal from Big Time Wrestling, my Granda Ernie was a ref back in the early 60's - 70's part time @ KTVU Channel 2 studios Jack London Square Oakland area, where they did Roller Derby, I would go with him sometimes & occasionally, see the wrestling every once in a while, that brings back some weird memories, from my childhood...LOL...

I can't stand wrestling to this day...
yup those where the days :headbang:

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[video=youtube_share;W2rhdWIA5ic]http://youtu.be/W2rhdWIA5ic[/video] here you go bud
Sorry to hear it Budnicks .. hope you, Pops, and Lord Budnicks all stay safe .. incl from the smoke issues
If you want to get away for a few days and get some cleaner air to breath, I can put you up at my place here in Vacaville. Only caveat is you have to assist me and my Brother with the Satellite as it still ain't right. The invite includes all the food and beer you like. Smoking a Pork Shoulder on Saturday for the Holiday weekend. That rim fire is a nasty one but the whole West is a tinder box. The fire in Fairfield yesterday destroyed 2 homes and damaged 4 others. And that is in suburbia and just off I-80. Stay safe my friend and the offer is firm...cr8crshr/Tuck
If you want to get away for a few days and get some cleaner air to breath, I can put you up at my place here in Vacaville. Only caveat is you have to assist me and my Brother with the Satellite as it still ain't right. The invite includes all the food and beer you like. Smoking a Pork Shoulder on Saturday for the Holiday weekend. That rim fire is a nasty one but the whole West is a tinder box. The fire in Fairfield yesterday destroyed 2 homes and damaged 4 others. And that is in suburbia and just off I-80. Stay safe my friend and the offer is firm...cr8crshr/Tuck
Thanks cr8crshr/Tuck, if I did I would surely help...LOL... we really have some great people on here...
Take care and stay safe Bud. This too shall pass. Got a little rain up here last night, will try to send some your way.
I went through the same thing during the 2007 fires in San Diego County. I couldn't go to work, my three kids couldn't go to school for a week. Couped inside with three little kids for a week, not sure if/when we would have to evacuate - luckily we didn't have to. Everything left in yard covered in soot and had to either be cleaned or tossed. I started thinking about somewhere else I might want to live. Hang in there.
don't touch the flames no matter how bored you get !!
We had some rain last night, sending it your way now
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