Well-Known Member
LOL!!! I was working as a mechanic for a shop and this guy brings in his civic for an alignment,the alignment was so fucked I couldn't even get a reading before having to get a half decent toe setting so the monitor could actually calculate the rest of the other readings,it had a massive exhaust leak, it wouldn't go into 3rd and 4th gear,half of the car was held together with zip ties and this guy was seriously (and I mean SERIOUSLY) telling me he wanted to start racing it to get some money out of it,long story short all of his tie rods were worn out,he didn't have the money to pay for parts and labor so he had to drive that beast home,,,,true story. I DO NOT have anything against a guy or girl trying to fix up their ride with a low budget,I'm not a millionaire or anywhere close to being one but come on some of these guys are just way tooooo out of touch. BTW Rumblefish360 hit the nail dead on with his last comment,,,that was the whole reason I started this thread