nice progress dibbs
if your mirror repair doesn't hold up for you
here is what i did to mine that had the exact same problem
the mirror glass will come off the base
you just need to heat the hell out of it with a heat gun
moving it around evenly on the glass.
with my pic you can see where the blobs that hold the glass in are located
i had also wrapped a wet towel around the housing and wore oven mitts
as it gets pretty hot before the black silicone holding it will release
once you get the glass off you will see right away what the problem is
the ball is held in by a metal plate that is attached in by 2 rivets
one of my rivets wore away leaving one side of the plate loose
and giving me my droopy mirror.
i would bet that is what your problem is
so i drilled thru the housing and put a small screw thru it with a lock nut
in place of the broken rivet and i tightened up it pretty good
giving me a nice tight mirror..