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Is Bigfoot Real

My neighbor swears that Bigfoot lives up near my cabin and that I know it and I'm protecting him. I tried to reason with this neighbor. I told him if I knew Bigfoot was living near my cabin, I'd try to capitalize and make money from it. He wasn't buying my reasoning. He told other neighbors who started asking me about it. I gave them the same reasoning. I finally unlocked my gates and invited my neighbors to come up the mountain to my place. They accepted and 6 of them came up there and left after checking out the terrain and the canyon on my place. They realized Bigfoot wasn't up there. I've owned the place for 35 years and have been all over that mountain within a couple miles of my place. There's cougar, bobcat, black bear, elk and deer and other small animals up there, all caught on the multiple game cameras set up on my place, but no Bigfoot. So, I haven't made any money on Bigfoot yet. My game camera photos show the closest animals to having a big foot we've seen so far.
Terry W.

24 Sept 2024D.jpg

Bear Aug 2024 B.jpg
2010 Northern Calif. somewhere, near Northern coastal area/Emerald Triangle, Humbolt area
Bigfoot Northern Calif. woods 2010 deer hunter photo.jpg
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Roger Patterson took on horseback 1967 film Bluff Creek wilderness NorCal
Bigfoot Roger Patterson Film 1967 still zoomed in.jpg
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I think it was painting from the Bigfoot Museum in NorCal Coastal area, Emerald Triangle :fool:
look fake, but cool
from the Patterson film, 1967 a still from the movie

"Female" Sasquatch

Bigfoot Roger Patterson Film 1967 still.jpg
I've never seen one, I've herd some strange **** in the forests,
don't know exactly what, somethings I couldn't explain
like chattering nonsense/mumbling not like speaking verbally, & grunts or growls...
It sounded like an elephant walking/crashing thru the forest deadfall,
never did see what it was & I tried...
I found a bunch of trees, smaller pines, mostly dead already,
that looked like they were toppled & tore the f--k up, snapped off 1/2 way up...
I don't know of any animal that'd do that... that was in NE California
I also saw & heard something very similar to it in/near Palmer Alaska
Hatchers Pass, area, figured it was a Grizz or a bull Moose,
but the 'same type of the mumbling sounds', I had heard in NorCal
I have no idea, wtf it was...

I had a weird sound/s & a sitting waiting as a teen
me & a buddy John were deer hunting in El Dorado Co.
near Edison Lake up by Wentworth Springs, near the start of the Rubicon trail...
Me & John saw what we thought was a big *** Black-isk/Brown-ish bear
(but it was bigger than we ever saw) or bigfoot (?)
We were driving back to camp by it, it was up on a bank sort of,
like 20 feet back in up the bank & back the forest, another maybe 20 feet...
This after a long day hunting, walking & then driving in my Toyota 4x4 PU,
going about 45 maybe, haulin' *** down a dirt/gravel fire-cut or logging access road
out of the corner of my right eye, in headlights edge..
I saw something like almost 10' tall, with it's arms extended out & up,
I asked John did you see that wtf ? was that ?
He said yeah, I don't know, so we thought, holy sh-t that it was
real enough to make us both wonder wtf was that...
We talked about it all night, didn't sleep much that night,
camp was less than a 1/4 mile from where we saw 'whatever'
At 1st we did turn around & put the headlights/brights on where it was
didn't see ****...
Went back the next morning on the way out to go do some more hunting
stopped at the sight, we thought we saw, something
it was a big stump & trees limbs behind it, so we thought maybe
that when at the right angle, it sort of looked like something with it's arms out
standing up, which was a bunch of truck tires stacked up on-top, 2 cutoff stumps
& some bowl looking thing on top, all covered in moss (?)
& tree stumps & limbs, for arms & legs (?) "shadows"...

Prior, we had a great story &...
We would have sworn on a stack of bibles (I'm not religious anyway really now)
that we saw, "what we thought was a bigfoot/Sasquatch about 9+ foot tall"
standing up, sneering & in an attack posture, like growling at us...
I to this day, don't know for sure
if it was the stack of tires/trees, was what we saw
but made a good story, we talked about that for years, every time we went hunting...

I'm sure there's a whole lot of them stories that never were checked out too...

There's been 100's if not a 1,000 of sighting, just out here,
they all can't be dopers, or trippers, fake ****...
or the thousands of sitting around the world of something bipedal & big/harry :blah:
with huge feet & a huge stride...
Every year as long as they've been reporting anything news worthy
it was taken as fact at one time, trusted sources too News"...
So a couple of hundred of years, all of them can't be 100% wrong
& if not wrong what it is (?), people know what a bear is
they don't look or walk anything vaguely like an alleged Bigfoot, supposedly does
allegedly they've been seen on all 4s too, crawls or like a spider crab walking...
Or carrying something or fishing or foraging etc.

Indians have different names for them, almost every tribe has a tale or folklore
passed down for generations or a Millinia & a lot of "stories" legends about them
Real ?

With all the sightings, you'd think someone would get a quality photo or video
that doesn't looked staged or fake
Or a body (?),
do they, the Sasquatches, dispose of, burn or bury their bodies ?
are they smart enough to know they are being hunted & keep the bodies hid ?

Or some other tangible "real" evidence, other than always out of focus
(like I took them) blurry photos
or some tales, legends, folklore or stories/tales

I believe it, in "Sasquatch", plausible (?)
more than some election results in recent history...
Yet that **** is allegedly "news"
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I built a house on part of the home farm. Seven acres up on a hill, surrounded by tall pines. Had my friend who was a good excavator do my grading and foundation. One morning he was starting early and a couple of crows were "talking" back and forth. He asked me what the heck is that? I told him they were crows. I had to take him around the corner to show him that's what it was. They do make other sounds besides "caw, caw".

That evening as he was shutting down, we were standing around talking and all of a sudden a Great Horned Owl howled as loud as could be. They can sound like some kind of a jungle bird and loud! He jumped and said what the heck was that? I said I'll tell you if you promise not to tell a soul. It's a Sasquatch. A what? I said you know, a Big Foot. His eyes got real big, grabbed the rest of his tools and left! :)
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