I've never seen one, I've herd some strange **** in the forests,
don't know exactly what, somethings I couldn't explain
like chattering nonsense/mumbling not like speaking verbally, & grunts or growls...
It sounded like an elephant walking/crashing thru the forest deadfall,
never did see what it was & I tried...
I found a bunch of trees, smaller pines, mostly dead already,
that looked like they were toppled & tore the f--k up, snapped off 1/2 way up...
I don't know of any animal that'd do that... that was in NE California
I also saw & heard something very similar to it in/near Palmer Alaska
Hatchers Pass, area, figured it was a Grizz or a bull Moose,
but the 'same type of the mumbling sounds', I had heard in NorCal
I have no idea, wtf it was...
I had a weird sound/s & a sitting waiting as a teen
me & a buddy John were deer hunting in El Dorado Co.
near Edison Lake up by Wentworth Springs, near the start of the Rubicon trail...
Me & John saw what we thought was a big *** Black-isk/Brown-ish bear
(but it was bigger than we ever saw) or bigfoot (?)
We were driving back to camp by it, it was up on a bank sort of,
like 20 feet back in up the bank & back the forest, another maybe 20 feet...
This after a long day hunting, walking & then driving in my Toyota 4x4 PU,
going about 45 maybe, haulin' *** down a dirt/gravel fire-cut or logging access road
out of the corner of my right eye, in headlights edge..
I saw something like almost 10' tall, with it's arms extended out & up,
I asked John did you see that wtf ? was that ?
He said yeah, I don't know, so we thought, holy sh-t that it was
real enough to make us both wonder wtf was that...
We talked about it all night, didn't sleep much that night,
camp was less than a 1/4 mile from where we saw 'whatever'
At 1st we did turn around & put the headlights/brights on where it was
didn't see ****...
Went back the next morning on the way out to go do some more hunting
stopped at the sight, we thought we saw, something
it was a big stump & trees limbs behind it, so we thought maybe
that when at the right angle, it sort of looked like something with it's arms out
standing up, which was a bunch of truck tires stacked up on-top, 2 cutoff stumps
& some bowl looking thing on top, all covered in moss (?)
& tree stumps & limbs, for arms & legs (?) "shadows"...
Prior, we had a great story &...
We would have sworn on a stack of bibles (I'm not religious anyway really now)
that we saw, "what we thought was a bigfoot/Sasquatch about 9+ foot tall"
standing up, sneering & in an attack posture, like growling at us...
I to this day, don't know for sure if it was the stack of tires/trees, was what we saw
but made a good story, we talked about that for years, every time we went hunting...
I'm sure there's a whole lot of them stories that never were checked out too...
There's been 100's if not a 1,000 of sighting, just out here,
they all can't be dopers, or trippers, fake ****...
or the thousands of sitting around the world of something bipedal & big/harry

with huge feet & a huge stride...
Every year as long as they've been reporting anything news worthy
it was taken as fact at one time, trusted sources too News"...
So a couple of hundred of years, all of them can't be 100% wrong
& if not wrong what it is (?), people know what a bear is
they don't look or walk anything vaguely like an alleged Bigfoot, supposedly does
allegedly they've been seen on all 4s too, crawls or like a spider crab walking...
Or carrying something or fishing or foraging etc.
Indians have different names for them, almost every tribe has a tale or folklore
passed down for generations or a Millinia & a lot of "stories" legends about them
Real ?
With all the sightings, you'd think someone would get a quality photo or video
that doesn't looked staged or fake
Or a body (?),
do they, the Sasquatches, dispose of, burn or bury their bodies ?
are they smart enough to know they are being hunted & keep the bodies hid ?
Or some other tangible "real" evidence, other than always out of focus
(like I took them) blurry photos
or some tales, legends, folklore or stories/tales
I believe it, in "Sasquatch", plausible (?)
more than some election results in recent history...
Yet that **** is allegedly "news"