What ever happened to the days when people were actually campers?
That rig was nothing compared to some
97 Safari MH, Cummins/Allison diesel pusher, king size bed in the rear
When I was a kid we didn't have much a big tarp to make a lean-to
our sleeping bags, clothes shoes/boots, back packs & with freeze dried foods,
we hoofed it in to camp, a backpacking pan kits & canteens,
a lil' butane pot for dads money camper coffee (whiskey/coffee), rice
our collapsible fishing poles, 'we caught dinner', we foraged some too
(I didn't trust most of it) iodine tablet for water

it was a tough outing usually, I/we ere whooped by the end of "vacation",
real camping, but I learned a lot from it
& latter an ice chest/cooler, we roughed it & I loved it
not just parking & putting out the canopy & lounge chairs
like it morphed into after the girls, ladies got a bit older
after Dad got remarried for the 3rd damn time
a Habitichi or a Weber (Lil' Smokey) was a pleasure my dad likes
I preferred the fire pit & a simple grate or a hotdog on a stick
that graduated into the 73 Ford f250 4x4 & a 12' SixPack camper
me & one of my step Bros's would sleep outside still, a tarp on the ground
if it rained we got under the truck
then it graduated up to a 77 f350 4x4 & a even bigger 18' camper
then a Motorhome
then a 5th Wheel
I roughed it plenty
my dad used my rig/s way more than I ever did, 150k miles worth,
02 F350 4x4 & 27ft Jayco 5th wheel, he drove my 97 Safari some 75k miles
I had 350k when I finally sold it (I used to for racing)
While he had it, he used it a lot
I was usually racing & roughing it in my tag trailer
my 95 or my 98 Power Ram Cummins 4x4
at some track, at who knows where, I was fine with it too
I had a pretty nice lounge/living quarters in my later/bigger trailers
43' Featherlite with 12' of living quarters & bed above the 5th wheel or gooseneck
the tow rig usually had a sleeper or lounge on it too
luxury in style, Glamping/"Parking with amenities"
when you are on the road 22+ weeks a year
you like a bit of comfort, especially if the ladies come along
& not getting your *** handed to you, by sleeping on the ground or in a damn tent
with a damn rock in the middle of your back 1/2 the time