Extended time out. About ten years. Tom won’t say why. I have NO idea.
I was a member over on Moparts for about twelve years, I was pretty active & had over 35K posts.... Mostly technical helping people with their cars... (Kinda like here) Some posts trying to have fun & inject my weird sense of humor... (kinda like here)
I last logged on to Moparts in May of 2013... Soon after the Tornado tore up Moore Ok & the surrounding area.... There were allot of posts by people concerned about members in the area... I totally get it & I agreed with the concern...
Then someone posted that he loves all of us & wanted us to all know it...
That's nice..... I saw it as an opportunity to try to inject some humor....
A few weeks before someone had posted a Meme of a Simpson's character pointing & saying "Your a Homo" I had saved the picture, it stayed in place for days on Moparts, not removed, so had had no clue it had pissed off Tom....
Whatever, I posted it... Next day I go to log on & receive a one word message "BANNED" I figure there's gotta be some mistake, heck I didn't even make the connection... The Meme ran for 3-4 days the last time it was posted....
Since I had no way to contact any Mods, (PM's don't work when your banned) I emailed Tom asking if there had been a mistake... Got a one word reply.. "BANNED" no explanation just "BANNED" I emailed back asking why... Another one word reply "HOMO"......
I emailed a former member there Steve. AKA 68HemiBee and he messaged a moderator....
A few days later I received a message letting me know the ban had been lifted..
I logged on on last time & posted a goodbye thread....
Haven't been back & I won't go back... If after twelve years I don't deserve more respect than one word replies from Tom than I see no reason to help him make his website successful...
I remember you. I went under my own name and the name I am using here. I joined in 2000 and had many posts until they updated the server in '06? then many more. I received a few vacations and in strictly looking at their guidelines they were probably deserved. I made the mistake of disagreeing with a moderator and I was banned for no reason I could see other than I wouldn't kiss *** on some utterly worthless members that lived on the board. So I haven't gone back in many years and don't feel the need. I have used their tech archives though. I hear through the grapevine that midpenmopar and others I met in person have passed. Sad.....
Stu was a great guy, unfortunately the big C got him.... He lived about 75 miles from me so I joined him for a few of his events & he brought some friends & joined us for a drive a couple times...
I don't remember posting under the name sloinker but I probably would under your actual name.... The big reset was in 03 I think...
I have had some good interactions there, and one very bad piece of advice, or actually 2 posts by one member
"Fairness" doesn't even come into the equation.I don’t think that’s a fair assessment on the bad advice. You had numerous people tell you it wouldn't fit. Then comes a guy with a friend who had one that supposedly worked 30+ years ago. You chose to follow that 1 individuals advice and ignore the consensus of several knowledgeable people.
I was a member over on Moparts for about twelve years, I was pretty active & had over 35K posts.... Mostly technical helping people with their cars... (Kinda like here) Some posts trying to have fun & inject my weird sense of humor... (kinda like here)
I last logged on to Moparts in May of 2013... Soon after the Tornado tore up Moore Ok & the surrounding area.... There were allot of posts by people concerned about members in the area... I totally get it & I agreed with the concern...
Then someone posted that he loves all of us & wanted us to all know it...
That's nice..... I saw it as an opportunity to try to inject some humor....
A few weeks before someone had posted a Meme of a Simpson's character pointing & saying "Your a Homo" I had saved the picture, it stayed in place for days on Moparts, not removed, so had had no clue it had pissed off Tom....
Whatever, I posted it... Next day I go to log on & receive a one word message "BANNED" I figure there's gotta be some mistake, heck I didn't even make the connection... The Meme ran for 3-4 days the last time it was posted....
Since I had no way to contact any Mods, (PM's don't work when your banned) I emailed Tom asking if there had been a mistake... Got a one word reply.. "BANNED" no explanation just "BANNED" I emailed back asking why... Another one word reply "HOMO"......
I emailed a former member there Steve. AKA 68HemiBee and he messaged a moderator....
A few days later I received a message letting me know the ban had been lifted..
I logged on on last time & posted a goodbye thread....
Haven't been back & I won't go back... If after twelve years I don't deserve more respect than one word replies from Tom than I see no reason to help him make his website successful...
Try that with the tiny print and a smartphone! In order to be able to read a post reasonably well I have to turn my phone sideways, but then that banner covers over half the page. The X to close it doesn't always work, and sometimes brings me to the ad.That info links pop up garbage is super annoying
I met Tom at Carlisle and all I'll say is I wasn't impressed.