Hey guys, quick question. Is this a clutch or cone? look into the center where the axles go and see if it has the thrust buttons still in it or take a pic of it.
How do you take out those thrust buttons, is it the little center pin to start with.
I found it on craigslist, so I don't have access to get more pictures. It has 3.23 gears in a 742 case. I already have a 742 rear in my car, just debating if I should buy something like this or just buy a sure grip unit and gears. He is asking $350 for this one.
Sounds like a good deal if it's not a piece of crap. If it needs rebuilt then low ball it.
You are not supposed to take them out, but if they are out, the pin in the center is broken. That's the whole issue with them, but the good news is once the buttons are in place they can't go anywhere - until you take the axle out and they fall into the banjo housing :angry9: