A few weeks ago I took a break from here, it wasn't over a cheap meal or the flip and flop brothers. I was at a point in my world that I was a little too busy to deal with stupidity. The truth is, I had bought another condo to flip. A 30 to 60 day turn around. It's sold before it's done and I close on the sale of it in a few weeks, or whatever, we'll see, it's not important. I'm not going to pass out advise on how to make a fast buck here, that's not needed here now. My point is, I have always done a fair amount of the work on my flips and now, on this one, I did nothing, but phone and line up all my contacts and stand back and watch the work being done. Age has not stopped my mind or my greed from doing all the things that have made me who I am, but my body and my wife have asked me to stop. There's more than one way to skin a cat and I have told you before, time waits for no one. I can't tell you how sorry I am about you falling and yes, it's not a joke, it's a wake up call. It doesn't mean your done or you can't, it's about knowing when to slow down, so you and Mary can make it to the end of the journey you both have made and truly deserve to finish. Yes, this problem is from the fall and the concussion and remembering all of it isn't important at this point, what is important is that you get something out of it besides the pain. My way of thinking has changed and I'm OK with it. It's hard to admit that it can and will take longer to do things and just maybe, it's alright to step back and let someone else do some of the things you normally did. It's not a sign of weakness, it's just us, working smarter not harder. Now, take a moment and see how many grammer mistakes i've made and that will help all of us to know it's still you out their.... LOL. Godspeed our friend....... Ulli.