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John S. Rehberg, 8/31/1956 to 9/14/2022, Dad you may be gone but you're always with me...

Back in posts #56 thru #58 you'll see dad bought a 1959 Ford Ranch Wagon back in 1984 for my mom's 25th birthday.
Here's another shot of that '59 Ford, along with his 1962 Chevy seen to the left(mentioned originally in post #62).


Here's a little better picture of that '62 Chevy.
And that little 3-wheeler next to it?
Dad would pick it up and put it into the trunk of that '62 Chevy and take us places to ride it.

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As mentioned previously, that 1959 Ford would become my first car about 5 years later.
Mom and dad gave it to me for my 16th birthday.
Dad, being a body man, laid down a couple of paint jobs on it before it finally was handed over to me.
Here in this pic you can see one of those colors....


When I took ownership of it, I was going for a different look.
So back into dad's shop it went.
There, we stripped it down in prep for it's final color while I owned it.
I believe we used aircraft stripper IIRC.
I couldn't find any pictures of the finished prep here before paint.
But here are some in-progress pictures.
I was very happy to run across these recently.
I just noticed in this pic below(to the far right), I see dad's 1965 Mercury Montclair. You can read about that back in post #181.




And the final product, the way I wanted it...more pics of it finished are in post #58, if you'd like to see them.

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Alright, I'm going to start dropping some pictures here and there as I get time to. We found these over the 2024 Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday season.
I couldn't think of a better place to archive these.
And I don't know of a better group of folks that could appreciate them the way you all do.
My thanks to you all for being on this journey with me.

As you look back to post #30 of this thread, dad had a 1953 Chevy he called "The Lump".
I posted a very poor picture of it initially, so here are a couple of better pictures we found.

View attachment 1814767

Here is that '53 Chevy with my mom and baby sister.
And also, post #112, if you recall, indicates dad owning a '76 Chevy Nova.
Looking at the picture below, you can see the passenger side of that car that I originally said was a '76 Nova.
Looking at it now, I'm leaning toward it being older, more like a '73 or '74.
The picture doesn't lie lol.

View attachment 1814768
Is that the same color as the Nova at the house?
Is that the same color as the Nova at the house?
If you're talking about the Nova we own now, no it isn't the same color.
The Nova we own now is Autumn Gold.
That’s Mama’s car, a 1970.

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Back in post #65 I mentioned dad owning a 1964 Corvair.
At the time of that post I had no actual picture of the car, just one I found on the internet that I felt was a close representative.
But thankfully, I found an actual picture of that '64 Corvair recently.
Better yet, dad is standing next to it.

And here it is…

Back in post #65 I mentioned dad owning a 1964 Corvair.
At the time of that post I had no actual picture of the car, just one I found on the internet that I felt was a close representative.
But thankfully, I found an actual picture of that '64 Corvair recently.
Better yet, dad is standing next to it.

And here it is…

View attachment 1816377
Ah the Corvair! Working in the City in 1964-5. School mates were working in the City. Non of us were from there. Gord had a 61 auto like your Dad’s. I had a 59 Impala 4dr sedan. Gord and Norm had dates to go to the Drive Inn Movie. Could we change cars. I agreed.
Never knew how slow Corvairs were got to a traffic light Beetle beside me. He reved, so did I. By the time I got through the intersection his taillights were far ahead. And I thought my butt was on the ground sitting in it.
Later a guy I knew had a 180hp I think, Corvair. It did move, but you still sat 3” above the ground.
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Back in post #65 I mentioned dad owning a 1964 Corvair.
At the time of that post I had no actual picture of the car, just one I found on the internet that I felt was a close representative.
But thankfully, I found an actual picture of that '64 Corvair recently.
Better yet, dad is standing next to it.

And here it is…

View attachment 1816377
so whats that at the rt edge of the photo?
Ah the Corvair! Working in the City in 1964-5. School mates were working in the City. Non of us were from there. Gord had a 61 auto like your Dad’s. I had a 59 Impala 4dr sedan. Gord and Norm had dates to go to the Drive Inn Movie. Could we change cars. I agreed.
Never knew how slow Corvairs were got to a traffic light Belle beside me. He reved, so did I. By the time I got through the intersection his taillights were far ahead. And I thought my butt was on the ground sitting in it.
Later a guy I knew had a 180hp I think Corvair. It did move, but you still sat 3” above the ground.

Yup, that Corvair sure sat low to the ground. I recall that for certain, even though I was only 9 or 10 years old.
Our cats would run under that car to get away from our Shepard, because the Shepard typically couldn't reach them under there.
However, one cat wasn't so lucky that I recall:rolleyes:
so whats that at the rt edge of the photo?


That's likely our '53 Chevy again on the far right of that photo. It looks like it has towing lights on it in that picture, doesn't it? We had plenty of car-to-car tows back in the day that's for sure.
If you look back to post #68, you'll see I mentioned dad owning a 1964 Plymouth Sport Fury.
I couldn't find a picture of it at the time, so I posted a picture of one I found on the internet.
I had never seen dad's '64 Sport Fury nor do I recall ever even seeing a picture of it until my recent find.
Thanks to @Photon440's touch of technology, the old photo of dad's '64 Sport Fury is far less faded.

Have a look...

This is the original photo, before Photon440 edited it...


Here's after Photon440 edited the picture. Wow does that look nice :thumbsup:

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