Well-Known Member
Yesterday, there was a big dust up in Pittsburgh because some folks driving on the Pennsylvania turnpike saw a little girl sitting in a dog cage that was strapped into the back of a pickup truck. They called police, and the cops were waiting for the driver at their house. They arrested the parents for child endangerment. Okay, that was the opening version of the tale.
It turned out that the reason the kid was in the cage was her dog was in the cage since there wasn't enough room for it in the cab, and the dog had been freaking out in the cage by itself and so of course the kid was freaking out too. So the parents let the kid go back and sit with the dog in the cage to make them both feel better. The cage was strapped into the bed seven ways to Sunday and was never in any danger of falling out.
Now we get to the part of the story that really bugged me. I heard from a lot of people I know who thought letting this kid sit in a strapped-down dog cage in the back of a pick-up truck was just the pinnacle of stupidity and reckless behavior, and I had to wonder at what point in our development as human beings did we stop worrying about what "will" or "can" happen and began living our lives around the fear of what "could" happen?
When I was growing up, my sisters and I were never strapped into anything! When we rode in our spacious Dodge Monaco station wagon, we sat in the back and played or made up beds and slept. We would all pile into the back of my Dad's pick-up, or anyone else's truck, and go for drives without a care in the world. Yes, there was a chance of an accident, but we knew it was a very slight chance and not worth changing what we did to deal with the risk. Back then we worried about not diving into shallow water because we would break our necks, or not poking metal objects into electric sockets because we would get electrocuted, or not taking rides from strangers because we would get abducted. We worried about straight-up, cause and effect, high-risk behaviors and were told not to do them and punished when we did. Now we have this mindset that because something could happen, however unlikely it is, we must change how we live to minimize the risk, and to me that's just frigging stupid.
In the case of this kid, there is a .0000048% chance that any driver, on any day, during any trip, will be in any kind of an accident. Was there a chance the driver of the truck would be involved in an accident? Yes, but was it even remotely likely they would be? Hell no. There's a chance that a meteor might not completely burn up in the atmosphere and crash into the truck cab as well, so does that mean not having your kid wear a meteorite-proof helmet at all times makes you an irresponsible parent also?
It turned out that the reason the kid was in the cage was her dog was in the cage since there wasn't enough room for it in the cab, and the dog had been freaking out in the cage by itself and so of course the kid was freaking out too. So the parents let the kid go back and sit with the dog in the cage to make them both feel better. The cage was strapped into the bed seven ways to Sunday and was never in any danger of falling out.
Now we get to the part of the story that really bugged me. I heard from a lot of people I know who thought letting this kid sit in a strapped-down dog cage in the back of a pick-up truck was just the pinnacle of stupidity and reckless behavior, and I had to wonder at what point in our development as human beings did we stop worrying about what "will" or "can" happen and began living our lives around the fear of what "could" happen?
When I was growing up, my sisters and I were never strapped into anything! When we rode in our spacious Dodge Monaco station wagon, we sat in the back and played or made up beds and slept. We would all pile into the back of my Dad's pick-up, or anyone else's truck, and go for drives without a care in the world. Yes, there was a chance of an accident, but we knew it was a very slight chance and not worth changing what we did to deal with the risk. Back then we worried about not diving into shallow water because we would break our necks, or not poking metal objects into electric sockets because we would get electrocuted, or not taking rides from strangers because we would get abducted. We worried about straight-up, cause and effect, high-risk behaviors and were told not to do them and punished when we did. Now we have this mindset that because something could happen, however unlikely it is, we must change how we live to minimize the risk, and to me that's just frigging stupid.
In the case of this kid, there is a .0000048% chance that any driver, on any day, during any trip, will be in any kind of an accident. Was there a chance the driver of the truck would be involved in an accident? Yes, but was it even remotely likely they would be? Hell no. There's a chance that a meteor might not completely burn up in the atmosphere and crash into the truck cab as well, so does that mean not having your kid wear a meteorite-proof helmet at all times makes you an irresponsible parent also?