I am a Christian. I won't watch the Exorcist. I have seen clips enough of it.
I had a Pastor when I was a teenager that filled in(he had retired) for a year while we waited for our new graduate Pastor to start. He spent 2/3 of his life as a missionary in a few different places, Africa, Malaysia, Central America. He used some of his experiences to write his sermons, or to describe application of Gospel in modern times.
That man saw some stuff. He would not tell us all the details "for your own good, the good of your soul". Teenagers my age and a bit younger would try to pry but he would get very stern about it and basically tell us we do not know what we are asking.
I will share another story my wife experienced when she was 19, right before she met me... without going into details, my wife, her younger brother, one of his friends younger still, and my wife's best friend, decided to use one of those famous boards with the little piece that goes over the letters. They all decided to get "maximum effect" they would do a bunch of stuff they saw in movies, candles, block all the windows, basically set up my wife's apartment like some ritual cave.(no, they did not do anything beyond set a stage) Then they started with the board.
It did not go well. Things happened, younger friend simply jumped up and tore *** out of the apartment and ran 8 blocks across town home. The three that remained panicked and ran out, locked door behind them and ran off 3 blocks over to my Mother/Father in law's home.
Mother in Law called Pastor and he refused to let them back into the apartment, went in with what wife called "some stuff, water, his briefcase" and was in there for half an hour while they waited in front of the building. He took their letter board. Then he scolded them for "more then 20 minutes" about inviting evil in, and was especially angry with them about the candles and how they used them. He made mention about "white candles" more then once.
Wife won;t tell me everything that happened, says she won;t talk about it because it scares her yet and she won;t risk anything related to it. The only thing she would tell me is at one point the candles all blew out and they all heard a voice say things she won't tell me and that's when they GTFO.
People can believe that or not. It's my wife, I do. I have seen enough things in my life I can't explain that I have no reason not to. But yeah, I will not see the exorcist movie.

) I saw saving Private Ryan because my high school pals insisted. I have something like a photographic memory. Not the right term for it, easiest way to describe it. I can recall times in my life from 40 years ago and watch it play out like a movie in my head. I knew what that movie was about, I did not want to go see it, I did not NEED to see that. Went anyway, peer pressure I guess. Regret the rest of my life and spent a lot of time pushing that away out of my brain. It was a movie. D-Day was not a movie. How those men cope with that **** I have no idea, I thank veterans whenever I can.
Titanic was another one, refused to go see it. I have no interest in watching a bunch of people drown and panic and try to save themselves in their fleeting last moments. I know what happened. Never saw that one, just enough clips to know why women like it so much haha.
This got really long, feel like Budnicks now hahahaha.