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License Plates


Well-Known Member
Local time
6:34 AM
Dec 16, 2009
Reaction score
Jamestown, RI
Just wondering what kind of license plates you guys have. I currently have plates designating my car as antique. I have these on all three of my cars. Recently while on the DMV website, I noticed a tab for "Preferred Plates". This allows you to submit a request for the plate you prefer, not to be confused with a vanity plate however. This is for people who would like to possibly get their old plate back, or a family members. In my case, I requested my father's old plate (which I subsequently found out was my grandfather's). To my surprise it was available. So in 8 weeks I'll have my family's plate back. Here in RI plates are a big deal. The dmv has a lottery if a three digit plate becomes available. The plate I am getting is one letter, three digits. I know it's silly but I can't wait!
Congratulations! This is what personalizes cars and makes them special!

Here is PA, I have an antique plate on my 1970 Road Runner. The 1973 Road Runner has classic plates. The term classic sounds much better, but classic plates require state inspection, which is a pain. Also, I really do not trust that most places will take appropriate care of my car. Many years ago, a work buddy dropped off his Dart GTS. When it came back, it wouldn't run well. If I recall, I think it had bent pushrods. The inspection station had beat the S**t out of it in a joy ride.

At any rate, I now have selected an antique plate, but I do not like that the plate has a picture of a Model T type car. That is not the image I want to portray with my Road Runner! PA has now allowed that old plates be reused, so if you buy or have an old plate, then you can supposedly re-register this old plate. I might try this...
In NC, you are able to use a plate from the year the car was manufactured on the back. You have to carry the plate that the car is actually registered to from the DMV but can throw that in the glovebox. If you get stopped, you have to produce the registered plate and all other paperwork (registration, insurance card). Even though my car is not registered yet, I already bought and placed my NC 1966 plate on the car. Looks sweet! 1966 NC license plate.jpg
I have years plates on mine. In Ohio you have to get Historic plates, then you can register the year plate.
I wish RI would allow the use of plates matching the year of the car. I have a pair of 66's that I keep in the trunk.
What the hell happened to the last post?? It goes on for days!!
In Ontario you can have your vehicle registered with YOM plates if the number is still available.
Sorry. I don't know if it was my machine or the web server that hosts this site that did that, but it posted multiple copies of the one post I made to this thread. It was not intentional and I have deleted the post. Sorry again.
have standard plates on the front however; since indiana doesn't require a front plate, I had the one that came with the donor car restored. an orig California black plate and put it on the front.
Plain old plates, I don't want a mileage limit on my car "I plan on driving the wheels off of it". I thought about vanity plates but don't really care about saying something with my plates "I'll let the pipes do the talking".
Is there a place you can get a plate made, nothing to do with legality's but one made with what you want, possibly a small picture in the corner? For instance a plate that says HOLLYWOOD with a small 3-3 picture in one corner?
In Maryland our plates say historic,but you can display any tag you want for a one time fee of $25.00.They give you a new registration card with the displayed tags numbers on it in case a cop runs the tag before pulling you over,I keep my historic plates in the trunk.IMG_0159.jpg
That's pretty cool, guys. I wish NJ had a deal like that. The best we have is QQ historic plates, but technically you're only supposed to drive to shows, historic events and test and tune. Anything else is a ticket and registration revoke (according to a cop friend).
In CA the plate stays with the car and once you loose the original one it's impossible to reverse the process to put it back on. You can do YOM but that's not the same. In the 60's, the cars had black plates with yellow letters (most know this I'm sure) and sort of a badge of honor to still have the original plate.

My white 68 RR, the green Bel and Ranchero still have their original black plates, and so does my 69 RR, but on the 69 I so far haven't found any documentation showing the plate number matched to the car. So at this point they are wall art or I can do the YOM thing. The other cars just have the regular crappy white plates.

I worry about the DMV reissuing our black plates, or offering some other kind of program that they say is a good thing. But could that eventually mean they can look at the database of all the special plate cars and restrict their use in the name of some save the planet BS legislation?
In CA the plate stays with the car and once you loose the original one it's impossible to reverse the process to put it back on. You can do YOM but that's not the same. In the 60's, the cars had black plates with yellow letters (most know this I'm sure) and sort of a badge of honor to still have the original plate.

My white 68 RR, the green Bel and Ranchero still have their original black plates, and so does my 69 RR, but on the 69 I so far haven't found any documentation showing the plate number matched to the car. So at this point they are wall art or I can do the YOM thing. The other cars just have the regular crappy white plates.

I worry about the DMV reissuing our black plates, or offering some other kind of program that they say is a good thing. But could that eventually mean they can look at the database of all the special plate cars and restrict their use in the name of some save the planet BS legislation?

the Ca.-DMV are already offering {maybe by re-pro's Black back ground & Yellow reflective lettering or the even older yellow backs with black lettering, or what ever vintage/style you want supposedly, registration/plates for an extra "fee" of course, they are trying to get something like 7500 apps minimum 1st, before they will even start the re-production/reissue of any one of them thou...

- - - Updated - - -

I'm not a big conspiracy theory guy, but I also, don't trust Ca. Govt. entities at all, especially with all the Nanny State idiots or intrusion type govt. restrictive crap, that we have here either... I'd like to get some black/yellow plates for my 68 RR "maybe", I have the light blue/yellow now...
In N.D. cars 40 yrs and older can have antique or pioneer. I have pioneer on mine, Pioneers plates have a one time cost (cheap) and have unlimited mileage. Antique plated cars can only run to and from shows
In Illinois you can run YOM plates if you register as an antique vehicle and keep the AV plates in the car for inspection. There are mileage and driving restrictions with the AV plates though. Last I had them registered the plates were only $55 and renewed every 5 years.

Interesting internet factoid if it's true .. in IL they didn't specify they had to be IL plates so you can apparently run any state or countries year specific plates.
Maryland dosent specify either, as long as they get their money I think you can display any plate you want,if you notice mine say EXP 3-31-69.Years ago you got new plates every year when the prisoners made them. If i drive around I bet i can spot at least 20 cars driving with the historic plates on a daily basis, Cars only need to be 20 years old to qualify for the plates its weird seeing 1993 vehicles with historic plates on them,The police dont enforce the driving to and from shows as strict as some states,no inspection required in MD for historic plates that is why people are putting them on their cars and driving them daily.Years ago I had a 1952 ford sedan a guy gave me as pay for a central a/c job,I never tagged it because to get insurance for it back then the rules about driving it when you felt like it were stricter and you had to belong to a old car club to get insurance,at least the company Idealt with,didnt know about Hagerty back then.
In WI we have Collector and Hobbyist plates as the most common on old cars. The vehicle must be 20 years old. I have collector plates. One catch is you can't drive it in January. Not a problem around here.

The cost is a one time fee of $200. Not bad compared to the usual $75. per year fee for a regular plate. Collector plates are supposed to be for vehicles that havent been altered from original. The interpretation of that varies, but many heavily modified old cars run those plates without a hassle. The hobbyist plates are for modified vehicles. After your first vehicle is registered, any others are given the same number with a letter after it (and they're $150.). So if you had number 10, your second vehicle would be 10A, then 10B, and so on.


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