In CA the plate stays with the car and once you loose the original one it's impossible to reverse the process to put it back on. You can do YOM but that's not the same. In the 60's, the cars had black plates with yellow letters (most know this I'm sure) and sort of a badge of honor to still have the original plate.
My white 68 RR, the green Bel and Ranchero still have their original black plates, and so does my 69 RR, but on the 69 I so far haven't found any documentation showing the plate number matched to the car. So at this point they are wall art or I can do the YOM thing. The other cars just have the regular crappy white plates.
I worry about the DMV reissuing our black plates, or offering some other kind of program that they say is a good thing. But could that eventually mean they can look at the database of all the special plate cars and restrict their use in the name of some save the planet BS legislation?