a Belated well wishes on you & your wife's
44th Anniversary 
that's quite a time to be together & still married
I only made it 11 years, never find another like her (miss ya' Lisa RIP)
I was not on yesterday
My dad 3 time divorcee,

never made it more then 8 years, on any of them
my Mom, Crystal, Patty, he's been single since 1980-ish
after 3 expensive divorces & 1 that lived with him,
who left & took all his crap
he finally learned he's not intended to be married
His 6th Dr. trip this month for dad (87)
1) at the urologist,
to get his monthly foley catheter tube & bag changed
(poor bastard)
2) at the internist/his reg Dr., & a follow up
check up & bitching/moaning about being old, sits on his *** all day
does nothing but watch TV, no matter what I try...
1) at the 'New' cardiologist,
meds change 'again', take him off a couple, he doesn't need
1) at the pediatrist,
rotten toe nails/fungous Amungus
albeit another;
1) was the dentist, they have a very attractive dental hygienist

for just teeth cleaning, he didn't take very good care of them
smoked & drank like a fish for 50+ years
still nothing wrong, hypochondriac