Mopars & Muscle Cars At The StripLike Page
February 27 at 9:33am ·
Attention ALL MOPAR Enthusiasts, Please READ.
Thank you for your support over the last 13 years. 2016 is an opportunity for you to show your Mopar Pride and come out in BIG Numbers, and show the rest of the hobby why you are so loyal about your brand.
Many of you have asked about The HEMI Super Stock Class, here are a couple of simple facts, the racers are always invited and encouraged to come to your event.
1. A new head rule was made in their class. Which caused some divide. Some of the racers became so frustrated they have parked their racing program for the time being.
2. These cars are awesome, and awesome translates to cubic dollars. A competitive motor is north of $60 and on up. A set of competitive heads is north of $30k. Cool and Fast cost Money.
3. Some competitors have also purchased new competitive super charged versions such as Drag Pack,Copo and Cobra Jet.
4.Technology is changing racing. Change sometimes is hard to understand if you don't have all the facts. In this case these racers have not had a choice from the factory from 1970 to 2013. That is 43 Years since Ford, Gm and Mopar offered a Factory Super Stock you could purchase new, with all of the backing of the brightest minds from the engineers who build new cars.
5. If you do a small amount of research, you will quickly come to the conclusion that a new factory supercharged Super Stock will simply Out Run, Out Perform the old cars. Racers are buying a new car to race with their old Super Stock. The new cars are FAST,RELIABLE AND CONSISTENT.
6. As the promoter, We have an obligation to you, to keep a breast of changes in the automotive hobby and racing. We think you will embrace these changes once you fully understand the Why's of what is really going on around us. These New modern factory Hot Rods still pull massive wheel stands, they are loud,fast and cool. Ask yourself this, If I were a competitive racer wouldn't I want every competitive advantage I could get!
7. So I pose this question, has technology benefited you in your daily life? Simple question.
A.Would you prefer a rotary phone hanging from your parent wall in the kitchen
B. Do you enjoy the features and benefits of your smart phone.
8. Since the economic down turn of 2008. Statistically over 35% of the race cars have remained parked due to the economy. Question is, how do you race in a brand specific market, if over 35% of the participants are not able to attend. You do the best you can, for as long as you can.The market is bigger than any promoter. Promoters have to deal with economic reality. While attempting to give everyone what the want. And dealing with personalities that refuse to see the forest, for all the trees. Folks it's a balancing act. Wouldn't you agree?
9. Question #2. What 5 mopars built between 1972 and 2008 would you spend the time to restore and spend your hard earned cash on to collect?
10.Just like the New Super Stock VS The Old Super Stock option, we all have choice's we didn't have 10 years ago. Our goal as promoters who take all of the RISK and Responsibility very seriously, Is the provide All opportunities in the Automotive Market for you to See, Touch & Feel with all of the sights and sounds of an awesome 3 day experience. At the end of the weekend your experience may be totally different than the next guy. But if you had a great time, and can't wait to tell your friends and do it again, then that is our measure of success. Please be open minded and work with us, we have a huge investment of time, resources and our own passion in this event. Giving you more options and opportunities to enjoy and express your passion for your favorite, year, make or model with friends and family,is why we have put this event on for 14 years. You are the reason.
10. Mopar Enthusiasts, Rob Wolf from Mopar Collectors Guide suggested that I answer a few easy questions that Rob felt were on everyone's mind.
Q. What will change for the Mopar Enthusiast.
A.Nothing we have simply invited more people to enjoy your event, for long term stability. Dodge will be at the event with the Viper and Hellcat Thrill Ride. Add to that, HELLCAT owners are invited to the fun field for Free, when they bring their cars.
Mopar Muscle Magazine has added their 392 and Hellcat Challenges for the Mopar Enthusiast. In reality their will be a stronger Mopar presence this year, than in recent past.
Q. What does that mean.
A. Mopar Enthusiast will still have their same spot in the car show, Swap meet etc. GM and Ford Enthusiast will have separated areas.
Q.Will I be able to buy Mopar specific apparel.
A. Absolutely, Extreme Sportwear will have a Semi full of your favorite Mopar Styles.The Mopar Specific Event shirt is absolutely over the top, we think it is one of the best designs we have every help create. A tribute to Hemi Underglass is a Hint, watch for it here on Facebook first.
Q. What is going to happen at the Cannery?
A. Mopars will be the theme at Cannery Car Show in their theater this year. MOPAR,MOPAR, MOPAR. Their maybe a couple invited guest including the Owner of the Cannery may display a couple from his collection. (Yes he is a car guy.)
First Quarter Mile will be MOPAR,MOPAR,MOPAR, participants will get a Mopar themed shirt for participating. Their will be a Quarter Mile of Muscle Cars after the Mopar Display.Please be good host,and invite other to participate. We are all BIG KIDS here aren't we. Show others how much fun this can be.
Q. What if the Mopar community decide not to support this.
A. That would be Unfortunate for all, that would be the final chapter in this story, Its the Mopar Communites event, they stop supporting it. We simply will not do it again. Ask yourself this question. Do I know anyone who would take the financial risk to recreate, what the Painters have built for our enjoyment, knowing that the Painters stopped putting on the event simply because of the lack of support they experienced. Do you know anyone who would like to take those odds? Would You? BOTTOM LINE, its the Mopar Communities event to loose.
We would also hope that we have made enough solid relationships along the way, and that our efforts would be supported by you. And that you would trust our judgement and for site. We have talked to some of the brightest minds in the industry, and have given this decision years of contemplation. I think everyone that attends will see that the small changes are enhancements. It's a Mopar Event with invited guests. The other brands won't take over unless you let them. Where is your competitive spirit?
Q.Here is my question : When you are watching racing, what would you rather see?
A. Mopar put a Mopar on the trailer, or
B. A Mopar put another Brand on the Trailer?
Answer Please:
I had a participant call and order his credentials yesterday. He has attended the previous 13 years. Here is what he said
" I want you to know that I personally appreciate all of our efforts to tackle this massive undertaking. Some of my fondest memories with my family have been at this event over the years. As Mopar People we are grateful for all that you have done to support our hobby, Your family has been great example of tireless work, grit and determination over the years. Your example after having your family business stripped from you would have made most people just throw in the towel and say screw it. But you didn't. I sincerely appreciate it, and admire the whole Painter Family. You have put on amazing events over the years, and now sharing the event with more people will just simply make it better long term". His words, but very much appreciated.
We look forward to seeing you March 16-18th in Las Vegas. If you have an questions or comments. Please post them here or call us 702-256-8254
We would appreciate your continued support at the 2016 event. Phil
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