Well-Known Member
You may want to ask him what pistons he has in there, and have him measure the deck clearance. I'm sure he will relay that Info to you.
You may want to ask him what pistons he has in there, and have him measure the deck clearance. I'm sure he will relay that Info to you.
Fastenal ships on a pallet. Might try them?guys what's the name of that low cost shipping outfit, been in a couple of different threads
I don’t know, he never replied to me, and I’ve had to focus on other things and never bothered trying to contact him again. I’m just going to work on the 400 that I have, do a little here and there when money and time what was the piston number?
240 flat tops
what heads again?
good luck with the build
Thanks, I will do that, but it’s going to be a while before I get to that point though.yep
In a perfect world I'd like some quench- take time to get your advance curve right
I bought a set of the Edelbrock 75cc E-Street heads when they were $50 off. By the time I had a set of iron heads checked and fitted with new seats and guides, it was only a few hundred more to get the aluminum heads.
I went through the numbers and with a 0.027” head gasket I end up with a static compression ratio of 9.0 and an effective compression ratio of 7.7, which sure beats the factory setup of 7.3 and 6.3 respectively. For all I’m intending to do with the car, this should work out pretty well.
Quench is good, but this combo as is will make a night and day difference v/s what you had.
I don't know what cam you have, but it would not surprise me a bit if the increased compression/ better heads/ better cam combo doubled the hp output of the smogger. It may even get better gas mileage- provided you can keep your foot out of it.
I don't recommend milling the block enough to get quench with those pistons- you would end up with no deck
Without a reverse dome piston, the only way to get good quench is with a flat top that comes to about .010 down from the deck. Then with a closed chamber head, and a .020 head gasket you are at .030 quench which has always worked well for me. But you're right, with 75cc E Street heads, you would be pushing the desired C Ratio over the limit.Thanks, I will do that, but it’s going to be a while before I get to that point though.
Yeah, I realize the quench isn’t ideal, but its about as good as I’m going to get. If I deck the block to get decent quench, then my static compression goes too high for my cam, so I’m not sure what other ways there are to do this.