Justin, I am confused. Are you guys looking to meet up at the covered pavilion behind the grandstands or my tent? You guys can use my location as a meet point, that will not be issue. If things go as plan, there should be an area between our tent and the Stephens / AMD tent which is being relocated over to the row in which we are located.
I would think, a covered area would be more appealing. Hopefully it will be dry and mild, but the last two years have been very nice, so we will have to see what Mother Nature has in store this year.
As an observation, for those coming and wanting to check out the judged show cars, check them out on Friday while they are being judged. Once the judging is completed on Friday, many of these cars end up in there enclosed trailers not to be seen again over the weekend. That is pretty much from 10 til 2 on Friday. The reason that I say that, is that if you guys are looking to meet up at a certain time, then certain activities may be going on that some may want to check out. So I would suggest getting some feedback on what works best for the group.
As I suggested before, I would think both a Friday and Saturday meet up would be best, unless you guys can decide 100% for one of the days. If you guys should be comfortable with it, I can have a note pad or poster board in which members can post a cell number so that others who may want to meet up, can arrange an alternative location and time. This would be kept in a designated area so that members could inquire for a cell number for texting purposes as I would not feel comfortable just leaving a list of numbers out for someone to grab and walk off with.
Just let me know what I can do to assist you guys and girls. I will hopefully be busy taking care of customers, but I can still assist as possible, especially in the preliminary planning.