I have a 69 roadrunner that has a MSD 6A ignition installed that I am trying to get a factory tac to work in. I sent the tac to Performance Car graphics to have it calibrated and have a new circuit board installed. I also sent the 6A box to MSD to fix the tac output which was bad. I hooked up little aftermarket tac to the 6A box in the car and it worked as expected. The factory tac installed back in the dash with the 6A tac output wire connected blade terminal on the tac will go p to ~600 RPM when the car is started and raise when the motor is reved up but but stays at the highest RPM obtained until the ignition is turned off, then it instantly drops down back to 0 RPM. Does anybody have any experience with this combination? Do I have it hooked up right? Should it be hooked to the negative terminal on the coil? Any help would be gratefully appreciated since I have called everybody I can think of and they just send to somebody else. Thx.