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Dave L

Well-Known Member
Local time
1:27 PM
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hello All,
My Mom is 86 years old and has developed breast cancer.I will be putting my mom first as my 426 street wedge thread has come to a halt. I will be ordering parts to complete this project to take my mind off of things.When she gets better I will be back on it.My wife and I moved into her house to help out.I must say Its very hard for me,my wife is so good to my mom and I love here very much for that, she is really a special wife.I have made alot of new friends on this site so I felt I should share this.Dave L
I wish you best with your mom. Cancer has visited several members of my family and has taken my mother. Hang in there and enjoy the time you have with your mom. Your wife sounds generous, kind, and caring .
So sorry to hear about your Mom, hope she is strong and a fighter. Also you have a very special Wife.
Wow, sorry to hear and want to say that is a great thing you are doing by moving in to help out. May God bless you all.
Sorry to hear that Dave, my father n law just lost his battle with cancer on Nov 3. It's tough to see a love one go through that, you and your family will be in our prayers
I'm sorry to hear about your mom, Dave. Do take care of her and know that she's in our thoughts and prayers. You're a good son.
Sorry to hear of your mom's cancer. Nice that she's reached that age at least. Our prayers for her and your family.

Glad to hear that you're putting your mom first over your car, and that you have such support from your wife!
You must have an angel for a wife and I'm sure you treasure here. Very sorry about your Mother.
Best wishes and prayers to your mom and glad you and your wife are there to help her out.
Prayers from here for your Mom"s health and for you and your wife also. Sometimes hard times like these can strengthen your family relationships even more than they may be. God Bless
You and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers.
Way to step up to the plate to take care of her. It will definitely be hard, but you will never regret it, as I took care of my mom for the last 16 years of her life. She passed Sept. of 2012 at 93 yrs old, and I'd give everything I have to have just one more day with her. Pray to the Lord for all the patience, kindness... that you will need to care for her. God never fails us! Support each other now, and days when you are not your best, don't beat yourself up, just be better the next time. I commend your wonderful wife. God be with your family.
Dave this cancer thing is hard on every one in the family, and I know that with a good woman by your side you will make it through it, when the days get hard on you just remember at the end of your day to tell them that you love them ..........you are in are prayers God bless
Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family.
Hugs, Julie
Prayers sent for your Mom and family, she is fortunate to have your love and support as she goes through this.
My wife is also a 'care giver' type of person but as we get up in age ourselves, it's not as easy as it used to be....not that it was ever easy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your and your family.
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