Previous kidney cancer/diminished kidney capacity led me back to drinking a lot of water like
I did when I was younger. I had gotten literally sick of the taste of it because I drank nothing
but for several years in my teens and 20's (beer notwithstanding).
When I HAD to begin a regiment of water drinking again, I found only artesian, "virgin" spring
water, straight from the source, was the only kind of water I could stand in quantity.
Any and every other water I've ever tried had a taste (or aftertaste) to it that just didn't seem
like it belonged, including the expensive brand name foo foo waters.
Fortunately, there is a really good source of same in the region. Their water tastes precisely like
the well water I remember drinking as a kid out at grandpaw's place.
I buy it by the case. Wife likes it too:
It helps that it's reasonably priced, too. It's taken directly from the source and bottled by a
regional CocaCola distributor nearby. They tell me it's run through sediment filters only, then
straight into the bottle.
Works for me.