I emailed and asked about it to the owner and he acted like a total jerk and told me to look elsewhere. i asked nicely but obviously the car and he are hiding something
The guy emails me back and tries to insult be because I am not looking past the cars issues and buying it for the one owner all original paper work car that it is. Last time I checked you cant drive paper work and its not as highly optioned as the nice ones. He is trying to sell it on how rare it is and the fact he has all the original paperwork. So because I really dont care about that stuff, I am not entering car shows and dont subscribe to snob appeal he insults me ...LOL
Guys like that give Mopar guys a bad name. the red one is a 4 speed but its lacking the chin spoilers which I want. I think that only a 71-72 looks like it looks. For some reason I like that style better than the 68-70.. looks more unique
the red one is a 4 speed but its lacking the chin spoilers which I want.
You can get a set of those for $75 and put them on in 30 minutes, including measuring time. Are you seriously passing up whole cars because they don't have two pieces of plastic on them that you can buy from 100 different suppliers??
I believe he's passing on the first one with the questionable flood/water damage.
I was replying to the post about the red one not having chin spoilers.
Just making sure our eager buyer here understands that desired options can still be added 40 years later if they happen not to be on a car that's otherwise fine....
All good.