All 100% Chinese components we've set up and upgraded hundreds of them, the ECU retards the timing 8* (some more) starting at 3200 and by 5200 they fall off to unacceptable output levels. Ballast resisters burn up, most have Aluminum contact caps, poor fitting wiring harness, wrong springs and way too much mechanical timing
They have zero warranty (wonder why?)
The issues with all these Chinese distributors are numerous and vary between manufacturers and are too numerous to list. Just when we think we have them figured out something else pops up, it's a battle to keep ahead of them.
There WAS a Taiwan manufacturing facility under the RichPorter Brand name that was actually owned by Bosch that made a very good distributor with a couple of quirks that were easily fixed, they were bought by Spectra last year and the design was totally changed and they are probably the worst unit out there, price stayed the same, quality was dropped to ZERO. Stock rotors won't fit on the shaft, vacuum cans are Non-Adjustable but the can has the hex so they should be the adjustable type (deceitful marketing), box says "Made in USA", label on unit shows Made in Taiwan..... more deceitful marketing, the list goes on and on IMO they should be avoided. Worst quality in the industry.
There's also WPI, Proform and others that have assembly and component issues some can be modified to work pretty good other have defects that just can't be repaired. Just be careful of what your buying and don't fall for generic terms like "Performance Curve" "Race Distributor" "50,000V System" they are misleading and mostly false statements created by the marketing departments to prey on your lack of knowledge and inability to actually test their ridiculous claims.
This industry is plagued by untruths, brand brainwashing and false claims so "buyer beware", know who your dealing with. I would say the company with the best warranty has the best product, it has to be good or they'd go out of business fast offering a 5 year warranty, it's a dam good place to start anyhow.