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Neighbor too comfortable

someone opens the driveway gate, yippee, yappee, and yahuey start announcing their presence
theres a loaded pistol stashed in multiple locations.
there will be noise
A friend, who lives in New Mexico said the local Native Americans would just walk into his house. It was common and their lifestyle. They had to start locking the screen doors.
Another friend & wife lived in farmland Illinois who had a neighbor that came by all the time, they were close friends for a long time but it seemed he always had trouble in his life. Divorce, drinking, smoking cigarettes and maybe more, they helped him out all the time.
One day the friend went to a doctors appointment and when he came home his wife wasn’t around. The neighbor came over while smoking a cigarette and started chatting with the friend. The neighbor said his wife was in the garage looking at a tire that was bad on their 392 Hemi Cuda. The friend didn’t think much about it and continued what he was doing. All of a sudden the neighbor starts shooting a .22LR pistol at the friend. He was hit several times and was able to run into the bathroom, locking the door behind himself. The neighbor continues shooting, emptying the magazine through the door. The pistol was then reloaded with another magazine and the shooting resumed. The friend was hit several more times. Then it stopped. It took a while but the friend left the bathroom, not seeing the now perpetrator. His mind quickly circled back to his wife. He headed towards the garage and found her on the floor, alive, but struck on her head brutally by the neighbor. They both were taken to the hospital and were put into protective custody because the perpetrator was still at large. After many hours the perpetrator was finally found in the close by cornfield dead of a self inflicted gunshot. My friend has about a half dozen bullets left in his body because trying to remove them would have caused more damage. His wife survived also but …… they moved a few years after that and unfortunately we don’t keep up with each other. We have run into each other at the Indianapolis Mopar Swap Meet a time or two. Sad that something snapped in the neighbor’s head.
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I had been gone for a couple weeks from my arizona place, and I arrived at about 5.30 a.m. from California. I had texted my girlfriend that I was almost there, but she was asleep and didn't see the text. So, I ended up "sneaking" in the house. I wasn't particularly quiet, cause I wanted to see how my shepherds would react. I got about three steps into the house, and I hear charging and growling. Glad i wasn't a stranger, cause I wouldn't have got another two feet.
Of course, once they realized it was me......
Get a big, family-protective dog.
There is some legal precedence for this behavior as well.
The neighbor, knowingly or not, is establishing a pattern of familial access to the home
that a sharp lawyer could use in his defense in a trial later...
The inference being that it could be construed as "normal" that he has been allowed that
level of ease (and that the occupants were "used" to him doing so).
Sort of dampens efforts of enforcing/charging trespassing or even B&E in the future...

Yes, obviously such behavior has to stop and stop now. Not even debatable.
Of course, legal routes should be attempted first, after the necessary "correcting" of said
neighbor verbally and the securing of the premises by the occupants.
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My door is not always locked we live in a small town, but if someone comes in that door in the mid of the night they WILL be shot just as I would expect to get shot if I went into somebody's house at night. I have a legal right to defend myself and family and so does everybody else. I would tell your son to have a stern talk to that guy and make it clear that nobody is welcome to just walk in or bad things could happen.
Just so we're all clear here, he came in at 2am. Lock the door and tell the guy never walk in or try it again without being invited. Done. If he's stupid enough to try it again, I'd never feel bad for what I'd do next. Your son was at another neighbor sleeping, maybe beer induced sleep. That would happen once and never again. There's more than one problem here.
Well I found out this am that the house was locked, but he has the code to the garage.
I am going to have a talk with my son. I don't mind and neither does the DIL if he might have a bit much to drink and sleeps on the neighbors sofa, as long as it is not happening every weekend.
I am a little upset that my son has not stepped up and set this guy straight. I know my son is not much for confrontation, but there is no excuse for letting this go on. Either he takes care of it or I will. This would convince him to stay home!
Mention two things when telling him never to do it again:

1. I sleep with a pistol within reach at all times (true or not, tell the guy anyway)
2. coming in uninvited again will result in an immediate call to the police, and charges being filed.

Could be the guy is after the grandkids (or the DIL)....could be he's just clueless and not thinking about it at all. Either way, it needs to stop.

What first starts out as seemingly innocent behavior can quickly end in the unthinkable. No one has ever walked into our house without knocking and waiting for one of us to go and answer the door. It's called respect. Not family, not neighbors, NOT ANYONE. PLEASE, get this fixed quick.
Mention two things when telling him never to do it again:

1. I sleep with a pistol within reach at all times (true or not, tell the guy anyway)
2. coming in uninvited again will result in an immediate call to the police, and charges being filed.

Could be the guy is after the grandkids (or the DIL)....could be he's just clueless and not thinking about it at all. Either way, it needs to stop.

I tell people I'm always armed....but don't go into details....
I remember the other thread and iirc, you posted it? Didn't this happen several weeks ago or so? I hope it's not still going on.....
I did not start it, I just remember a similar one.
Damn Scott, any person with a little common sense or for that matter good intentions would have just hung onto the mutt at 2:00 am and returned it the next morning.
More to this than meets the eye. Get this guy lined out..
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