So with Spring coming I spent a ton of time outside on the yard and everything around the house...
I don't know if it was an overly wet year or what that caused me to have a horrendous moss infestation in my grass...
I put down lime...raked and pulled out everything I could...
Then got into searching You-Tube and got into some lawn care videos...My ocd is bad but not near what some of those guys have...

I had to clean out and refurbish the mulch in the storm water management pond...
I ultimately got everything straightened out and got plantings in the ground...seeded and top dressed a few areas and got into staining a lot of the wood deck and elevated flower beds. Added a few stone flower beds and got everything mulched...
Still contemplating a new Trex deck for the upper deck when the wife says "Why don't you finish the walkway to the garage?"
This one of those things that needed done and I knew was going to be a monster PITA to do...
I had everything set up for it but just never jumped in with both feet and knocked it out...
Below are some pics of where it was left and forward progress on everything else thus far...
The last 3 pics are the area where the new walkway is supposed to go...