Hey everyone I'm new to these forums and wanted to introduce myself and my custom ordered '74 Plymouth Satellite Sebring 318 727 Automatic, A/C, Power windows, power steering, power brakes, fender mounted turn signals,remote mirror adjuster, inside hood latch, and sundance plaid interior. I'm from Sandusky MI originally, the car was my grandpa's he bought it from the original owner in the early 90s for $4500, he drove it all over to all sorts of car shows, 2 Woodward dream cruises as well '94 and '01, he drove it up until his death in 2011 with 56,936 original miles on it, it sat pretty much un used and un maintained up until May 10th 2023 when my dad got the car running with a buddy of his who is a mopar expert for my mom to gift the car to me for my 18th birthday. I have since begun fixing it and driving it all around the thumb to different car shows and car events. Currently I am waiting until May to get it running and take it to the first car show of the year. I still have lots to fix on it but I am making great progress and will continue to revive it further into this year and into the next!