That's cool Sir Six Pack, no harm in opinions. But, its all about balance; power, looks, mpg, style, coolness, etc. Tires are expensive, well, maybe not the 15's you got on you Challenger, but, the 20s are a bit more. Handling, today performance is measured in cornering, braking and soundness of the chassis. Today's Challengers will run circles around the old one's in terms of braking, cornering, etc. Frankly, I don't plan on buying 2 tires at a time, I plan on buying 4 new ones around 40k miles. And, if the new one enhances my masculinity or identifies my feminine side; well, who cares! I am a self-admitted Feminist based on my major of Sociology in college. I can't wait to hear what my Dentist has to say about it today; he's a gay man, but, he's no faggy femmy softy, and, he's a darn good dentist that hires HOT women as his staff! Life is good friends!