17 against 11 on the field, that isn't a fair game
I didn't say the Eagles can't win, or that they aren't good...
I think it's a slim chance, if they do what I outlined above
they can win if they play like they did against the Vikings
& the 6 bias refs added to the

Patriots side, call it fair...
Just everyone mostly hate the Patriots, for many reasons...
IMO it's human nature to like the underdog, better...

doesn't make the Pats an underdogs

just because the world is against them

just means majority of people don't like the Patriots...

IMO it doesn't mean ****, who wins or loses...
I actually think the Eagle could win, if it's a fair game...
I learned early in life, don't buck the odds, don't bet on them
especially when "it's stacked odds, #'s, or history is against them"
I'm still gonna' rout for the Eagles,
I'm not an Eagles fan
I just don't like the Pats, or their coaching staff
One of my favorite teams is

whom ever is playing the Pats, "regardless when or wherever"
I'll probably won't watch much of the game anyway,
I really
couldn't cares less this year, just love razing pats fans
about them cheaters

I like to see/imagine the veins in their foreheads pop out or them go off
on some lame *** dynasty rant, post a bunch of memes with Brady & his rings etc.
Like they always do...
But never talk about/admit the truth or the facts, they are proven cheaters",
fined & penalized several times, that it helped them win, regardless...
It's mostly all in fun

fact based & needling fun...
I did the same with all the 49ers fans
when they were "the cheaters & winners" a so called dynasty too..
I'll probably just eat & drink too much
watch the Puppy Bowl at 1/2 time

I have more interest in that game, it'll be fair & not fixed
Have I ever told you guys how much I dislike/disrespect all
Tom Brady, Eli Manning, Phillip Rivers, ret. Peyton Manning,
all for good & different reason,
also the Patriots Coaching
& damn NY Giants unless they are beating the Patriots

even the 6 time SB Champs Steelers, but at-least I respect the Steelers,
even if they were my Raiders fierce rivals & kept my Raiders from 3-4 more SB's
they were rough & dirty players & took a shitload unnecessary cheap-shots,
but weren't cheaters...
I like/love the game I played for 18 years
& the integrity of the game/sport, the sportsmanship & camaraderie aspects,
the team building aspects, brotherhood of men, it helped mold me into who I am today
not so much an individual, not the "win at any cost BS/cheaters"
or the chest pumping narcissist BS,
especially from a fan that had nothing to with any win,
when the Professional Athletes/Elitists 1%-ers are all
paid millions to do what they celebrate,
the kneeling unpatriotic partisan & even Racist/Hacks BS,
like most all winning teams are now...
And their "lame *** fans, of said teams, all are today"...
Like they had anything to do with the teams wins, at all or ever,
but they sure as hell take the credit, like they had something to do with it
& commence to pound their collective chests

like they had
actually something to do with it, from their damn armchairs at home...
IMO they should also be to blame, for all the damn losses too...