I'm not looking to find any great answers here but the more I look into it the universe is such a pointless waste.
Let's examine the earth. It's big but it seems to have its purpose of providing sustenance for life although there are big sections that don't do much like deserts and ice masses. They are still important though.
The moon? Helps the tides I guess, the rest of the planets seem superfluous except the sun. It's the big dog engine running everything.
Outside our solar system who cares. The billions of solar systems in the billions of galaxies even the groups that are near us don't matter except to recognize the incredible number of them and their distances from us. Then galaxies just keep going and going and going for truly unimaginable distances. Rocks, minerals, gasses, gravity, and explosions don't matter in the least to us or to any system that would care to record them. Less important than a tiny wave in an ocean.
If we take all the religions and add them up, they are all self-centric. The Gods are all concerned about us and therefore not at all concerned about what's going on a billion light-years away in the universe.
It's a possibility we are the only advanced form of life in the universe and to me that seems like such a waste. I don't mean the universe HAS to have a meaning it just seems wasteful if it doesn't.
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“The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space.”