Well-Known Member
The Patriots and Raiders are both teams the Steelers seem to have a mental problem with. They've lost the game in their minds before they even get off the bus at the stadium.
They're going, Billacheat bought Brady and the team super bowl tickets for Christmas.I don't think the Pats are gonna make the Super Bowl this year.
They're going, Billacheat bought Brady and the team super bowl tickets for Christmas.
Nosebleed section, Billacheat is bringing his new GoPro.Originally Posted by Rick@Laysons
I don't think the Pats are gonna make the Super Bowl this year.
I wonder if those tickets are in the Seahawk section or the Bronco section???
:yes:Go Vikings !!!!
The best part is that the VIKINGS once again beat the fudge packers in fudge packer field with fudge packer officials.....
My favorite VIKINGS - fudge packers moment was when RANDY MOSS after scoring a touchdown did the moon to the crowd.... that was AWESOME.........
But this past Sunday, Sharon Rodgers spent so much time on her back that I thought you were going to see fudge packer fans do her missionary
rather than the usual "from behind"...
Speaking of fun fudge packer moments, where is Brian Bostic????? Ha Ha Ha Ha (Clinton Dicks in ....)
Love all the Viking support. We've got a tough game ahead of us with Seattle on Sunday - but as was said earlier - we'll see how they like those sub zero temps. The weather is going to favor the Vikes. Let's eat some sea chicken. Skol!!!!
Viking love...U shush.
hey, they gots cold weather in the Pac NW too. I would reckon not too big a deal for the Seattle Largents.
If SEA can somehow contain The AP Freight Train, they will have a good chance of victory...but we shall see!!
go vikqueens! anybody but GB!!!
The Hawks held AP, the leagues rushing leader, to 18 yds for the entire game just a few weeks ago....don't see much changing on the Hawk's run defense there....cold weather or not.
Stop AP and make Teddy throw the ball in the cold, then our Legion of Boom can get themselves some interceptions.
My Wildcard Weekend Predictions: Every road team wins.
Steelers over Bengals
Chiefs over Texans
Seahawks over Vikings
Packers over Redskins
Early Superbowl Prediction:
Panthers over Broncos