1978 Mike Thermos was the founder of NOS
(Nitrous Oxide Systems) he
wasn't the 1st user of N2O
(WWII military, Bonneville, early NHRA & some NASCAR guys like Smokey Yunick,
drag guys Dick Landy, Bob Glidden, Warren Johnson all experimented with it)
they were the 1st of the mass producers of it,
kit form & for sale
IIRC Dale Vaznaian {spelling} was the marketing guy
Mike he was pres. founder for some 20+ years,
he was at pretty much every big time Top Sportsman
Pro-Doorslammers event before they became Pro-Mods
I think he eventually got leveraged out, but
I don't really remember the exact circumstances now....
IIRC his new co. is now
Nitrous Supply
NOS use to do 1 off drilled & plumed brass &/or stainless feed tubes
in/thru the manifold, epoxied in place, (removed the center divider on dual plane)
like spray bar kits, but permanently installed thru the intake, way back when...
IIRC Powerdyne Solenoids with Teflon seat 'were the ****' way back when
they were from high pressure pneumatic Industrial use org.
They flowed way better than most the N2O supplied solenoids did,
didn't hang up or stick/freeze open or closed like, many of the cheaper
"kit" supplied solenoids did either...
Not sure what products they use anymore, been a long time now
10 years probably....
O systems have come leaps & bounds from the old days
there were org. hardly no electronics or progressive controllers
or computer mapping stuff, just stand alone fuel pump,
a N20 dedicated system
usually a simple bypass 'full flow' pressure regulators
you don't want a failure there & safety switches,
pressure or hob switches
& manual electronics & arming switches,
a manual N2O activation push button
for when you want to press the 'go baby go' button
everything doesn't have to be electronic controlled
but a manual toggle just in case, you could shut it all down
org. there was no multiple retards steps, progressive or bump boxes etc.
Wire everything thru relays, so you don't get spikes
that voltage spike or loss of full 12-13vts can cause N2O explosions
We seemed to do just fine too,
I never lost an engine from N2O or a N2O explosion
we did burn a few pistons running on the ragged edge
too much timing &/or usually too lean, lifting a top ring land
{with quality Zero Gaps, wider clearances it happened far less}
there were a few idiots, that'd blow **** up regularly...
If you're not on the ragged edge it's not that big of a deal
IMO it's pretty safe & easy to make cheap power, if it's done right...
Even without a shitload of electronics & gadgets...
Mike Thermos was really the lead guy for a long time...
An innovator, professional racers all trusted him...
He came up with many of those products too
whether he actually invented them I don't know, he made them work...
Top Gun N2O & ERC fuel/CNC Race Products
were both a big player at one time too
been out of for years now, don't think they {Top Gun} even are still in it
I think ERC is till there...
a hob switch & FT activation micro switch in conjunction
for proper fuel pressure & full throttle or it won't open/activate the solenoids}
were needed always, I'm sure some electronic gadget is used today
some computer controlled unit or progressive mapping laptop tunable stuff
anyway you don't want to activate any
N2O system
with the carb or throttle body/throttle blades closed,
in board or outboard on a 6bbl, or a single or dual carb secondaries etc.
it's a good way to blow them off the engine or bend them,
&/or hang them up really bad, because of it...
with todays tech, a O2 sensor on both banks
& a bottle heater, a safety valve for the bottle
(they can hang up or not shut off or freeze, it's 209* below zero),
a blow off valve for back fires, protect the intake/carbs etc.
(for those that don't tune right)
is a safety issue, a purge valve before the N2O solenoid
just so you get liquid N2O at the solenoids
& not just CO2, hot air in the lines, fresh pure N2O
when activation, is a must do...
I'd highly suggest;
Talk with guys that really know 'their ****', not just act like it,
or think they know, talk with the real pros & don't skimp either,
don't do a internet tune, by guys that haven't really done it
or hearsay...
I'm done, that's all I'll say on the subject...
I've been out of long enough that's about as much as I'd add...
Comfortably confidently anyway...
Good luck