Install a gauge. Prime it with a tool. No pressure? Pull the relief valve plug. Is the valve stuck? No? Internal plug missing or oil level is below the pick-up. No way the oil is not being returned to the pan, there are way to many routes to return. You have a fair amount of money in this thing? You've run it with no oil pressure. Be smart, ,take a step back and pull the motor out. Take it apart and inspect the bearings, internal plugs, oil pump, relube the cam if the lifter faces look OK. A lot of work, You bet. But less work and expense than fixing it if it blows up. The worst you'll be out if nothings wrong is a gasket set and time. Remember, if you don't have time to do it right the first time you'll surely have time to do it right the second time. Chalk it up to a learning experience.
Good Luck Doug
Good Luck Doug