It's far more rare, then it is normal, that they get restored...
We've all seen it & we all know it...
We've all heard it...
We've all seen or experienced it 1st or 2nd hand trying to buy a car
or to get some person to sell it...
Or we know someone that says & does it...
"I'm going to restore it someday"
Some place or deal, you drive or walk by for decades
it's still sitting there rotting
they almost never leave or get done "restored", or "built"
before the org. person (or hoarders dies or while they are still alive)
&/or the car moves on (or sold by family after the fact)
to someone else, that actually 'restores' or 'builds' it/them...
rare as hens teeth
the Org. person, that let it sit for decades
ever does do the resto/build
Family or otherwise...
Paying someone to restore or build it for them, or otherwise...
Yep it's
'their car'
to let sit &
'rot to the ground'
if that's what they please
IMO it happens far more often, then most any other scenarios...
IMO it doesn't stop people from trying...
Especially if it is out in the open & easy to see...
sometimes it's a damn shame too
such is life