6/2/23 81* today very low humidity like 45%
nice day warmest in a while now
been a cool couple weeks here, low to mid 60's
lil' more humidity like 55%
hell they are still clearing snow in some areas
35'-50' was the peak at the passes
lots of snow runoff
hopefully, our dumbasses in office, hold some back
for good measures
(I know they won't, Libiots)
lots of grasses grown, green everywhere
most years 7 of 10, it's brown up here by now & 90*+
supposed to be 'another wet' El Nino year here too
hope not as brutal winter, that was nucken' futs
A couple ridges over like 35-50 miles by the crow flies south
much of Yosemite was closed, park was worried about flooding
& lack of access to much of the park
late spring around here, we had a couple warm day in April
then it cools down again, for 30+ days,
mostly sunny, occasional clouds, just cool especially at night
Love it, when it's actual spring weather & clear skies