Well-Known Member
The link is a good start but may I suggest some proofreading to correct some of the errors. There are a couple of other areas that might want to be clarified also.
Also regarding 68 VINs on blocks...I have yet to see a credible source that doucments HP or non HP blocks getting stamps. It seems to pop up on a couple of boards as 'fact' but I've yet to see the proof of this theory.
It just doesn't pass the logic test. Why would you only stamp a VIN on an HP block? What would be the purpose? If you were stamping blocks on the line and all 383 engines were turquoise, how could you tell if the engine was an HP or not? Why would you take the time to try and find the HP stamp on the pad to see if you should or should not stamp the VIN? If you find a VIN stamped on any 318, any 383 in a non Super Bee or Road Runner, or non HP 440 C body, this theory goes out the window.
What can be documented is different plants apparently started stamping the VINs on blocks at different times of the year. If you have an early non-HP block that wasn't stamped from Hamtramck and try to compare it to a late built HP block from STL, you could reach the, erroneous, conclusion that non - hp blocks weren't stamped.
It would be nice to see some documented arm chair research on this topic.
If you see things that are not correct or overlooked in my old post feel free to make a post to update it. I know you actively do research on these cars all of the time. Much of my info comes from older sources and from just being around the hobby for 40+ years and not just with Mopar and knowing what people expect and what is factual, and they are not always the same.
I did not really address the 68 engine/trans situation because I did not have enough facts to really talk about it when I wrote the above link info.
I did know that some 68s have it and some don't but have no really info as to any kind of date/V.I.N. breaking point for any of the different assembly plants. I doubt that there will ever be any kind of definitive answer unless some kind of inter plant memos are found. There just aren't enough survivors around to make any kind of educated guess. On top of that there were always exceptions to the norm as we all know. They were made by human beings and in a time when on duty drunkeness and drug use was ignored in a large part.