Well-Known Member
My FAVORITE quote! "The problem with Socialism, is that you will eventually run-out of other peoples money!" Margaret Thatcher
As a vet that is my opinion. You ever serve?
My FAVORITE quote! "The problem with Socialism, is that you will eventually run-out of other peoples money!" Margaret Thatcher
WVMARV Do you think ACA is going to be a good thing for this country and the government will do a good job handling it. I personally think it will be a bigger burden on a lot of americans. And if the Senate wants a CR at current spending levels why do they want to raise debt ceiling? Both parties need to do some soul searching and do what is right to keep this country from destroying itself. I would like to thank all the Vets for without their sacrifice I would not be able to voice my opinion.
WVMARV Do you think ACA is going to be a good thing for this country and the government will do a good job handling it. I personally think it will be a bigger burden on a lot of americans. And if the Senate wants a CR at current spending levels why do they want to raise debt ceiling? Both parties need to do some soul searching and do what is right to keep this country from destroying itself. I would like to thank all the Vets for without their sacrifice I would not be able to voice my opinion.
I thought this thread was started to raise awareness of the million vet march. If you guys want to argue about different opinions or facts then start a thread about it. If you want to trade insults and be internet tough guys, then pm each other your info and take it somewhere else. I'm betting most of the stuff said already wouldn't be said the same way face to face.
No, but that doesn't take away my right to have my own opinion. Did you see any action?
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Can you give me your definition of socialism? And how exactly the ACA is socialism.
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Yes I think the ACA will be a very good thing. And apparently, you like so many others don't even know what the debt ceiling is all about. IT DOES NOT RAISE ONE PENNY IN THE AMOUNT CONGRESS CAN SPEND OR THE TAXES ANYONE PAYS. IT IS JUST A VOTE TO PAY THE BILLS THAT CONGRESS ALREADY HAS. Come on pay attention.
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Also if you care to read my posts, I never said one word about our Vets. It is very true that this country would not exist without our vets. But that doesn't give them the right to think they are better than anyone else. My wife's Uncles both served in Vietnam. One saw action the other didn't do anything but get high and load and unload trucks. Never held a weapon while he was there. Does that make him some kind of hero? I don't think so, and neither did he.
The only thing you have in this is your nose.
how come if you disagree with the largest tax increase in history/ the largest governmental grab of the private sector you are intolerant. if keeping my freedom makes me intolerant or " a gun tote-in,bible thump-en,pick-up driven, raciest " quote Barack Obama so be it! you guys are so brain washed buy this B.S. artist. one day you will see the error of your ways. unfortunately it will be to late! by the way Bush was a moderate and so is McCain and Romney. that didn't work for us so back to conservatism.
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:hijacked:sorry to themecanic for the hi-jacking:hijacked:
Hello Pabster, I try to discuss a topic with someone without acting like everyone who does'nt see it my way is ignorant or stupid. I have had exchanges with you and although we usually disagree I have not slammed you or tried to insult you or talk down to you. Both parties are to blame for the shape we are in. I personally will not follow a issue and think it is right for the country just because a certain party says that is the way they want it. I have a mind of my own and I will listen to all opinions. When I asked wvmarv a couple of questions he immediately went for my throat. I like to discuss issues and I truely want to hear people opinions. But all the putting people down will get us nowhere. I say this not only to wvmarv but everyone who is not open to listen to each other in a decent way.
The only reason I keep going after you (I don't think I'm to harsh) is because you guys keep saying the same things that make no sense. First you always make it a GOP issue "I have no use for the majority of them along with most of us on here". Second you always say that Obama care was a product of the conservatives, you are out of your mind if you think Romney is a conservative or Romney care is a conservative approach to health care. Now your saying we are representing the dark side of the GOP "really" have you heard the filth being spewed by the left and the racial division caused by the administration by continually putting they're foot in they're mouth? There is no longer a Democratic party, they left years ago along with the GOP "wake up, they all suck" with a few exceptions.Well argued, wvmarv. I'll warn you, if you haven't figured this out already. When you disagree with the ultra conservative herd on this board, people will personally insult you. When you react to those insults, they will call you "thin skinned" or some such. If you insult them back, they will threaten you, usually involving bluster about being armed to the teeth. It's pretty pathetic considering that the majority of these political spats could be resolved if everyone read the facts in question. But obviously, they don't. If the GOP shuts down the government, it's the Dems fault. I don't get that logic, but then again I don't understand the conservative approach in the first place, considering that they came up with the basic plan that "Obamacare" is based on in the first place.
At this point, I've largely given up. I've gone so many rounds with a few people on here, and a few of them have encouraged others to put me on their ignore lists, insulted me up and down- I even got a PM once that threatened my life. It's really crazy, considering that all this hatred and anger is based on words written on a screen.
Pretty nuts that this board is a microcosm for the ignorance and intolerance that is the dark side of today's GOP. With attitudes like that, the party is in decline, and if they don't change their platform to represent educated & modern conservative thought, then they'll be obsolete within a couple election cycles.
Anyway, don't let 'em get you down. I for one agree with you and wish you the best.