Mine won't keep the pickup covered with 6 even with the trick pan and swinging pickup. Needs aleast 7
Mine won't keep the pickup covered with 6 even with the trick pan and swinging pickup. Needs aleast 7
Temperature and clearance. As temp goes up oil gets thinner. As clearance goes up you need to keep the film in between the parts faster than it can disapate. I can tell you that my drag motor lives just fine on 5w30 with .003" rod and :004" main at 150-160 oil temp@7100. Be advised that oil temp and water temp are 2 different animals. A drag motor will see much lower oil temp than street , road race , or oval.I was very surprised when my builder said use Penn Grade 20-50W. I had convinced myself that lighter weight oils were the way to go. My builder explained that the bearing design & clearance are what determines the required viscosity. So I trust him.
How much are you willing to take to part with one?I have 2 new accumulators I'd part with. A 3-quart Canton and a 3-quart Moroso. I never used or needed them. I've always had instant oil PSI on start-ups.
Let a motor set a while. It will not have instant oil pressure. Also external line systems are notorious for losing prime. Being that replacing my motor would cost north of $20K in parts alone I'll use the acumulator.Accumulators sure seem like a good safety feature. When I was bracket racing every weekend I considered the value, but never installed one. I thought that real value was not on start up, since I also had instant oil pressure, but if something failed during a run, you'd have a bit more time before total destruction.
Let a motor set a while. It will not have instant oil pressure. Also external line systems are notorious for losing prime. Being that replacing my motor would cost north of $20K in parts alone I'll use the acumulator.
Hey you 2,,,,,get a roommmissile what your price on the accumulator. caton? moroso? thanks