On the advice of a friend is knowledgeable about such things - I signed on with
incogni.com which is a company that scrubs your personal data from most of the data broker sites. When asked these brokers have to comply and remove all your personal info from their data bases. You can do it yourself buts it’s quite arduous to find out who they all are and then to ask them individually. I tried once and found it a pain in the *** after just a couple. So on my behalf incogni has pursued 150 data brokers and so far has had my info scrubbed from 90 of them w/the rest still to become compliant. CA passed a law last year whereby if you request these brokers to remove your data they not only must do so, but it’s now illegal for them to ever compile it again. I’ll keep incogni for a year as they will recheck again and again while you have them. It only cost $77 for a year and I thought why not? If it works well great - if not - nothing ventured nothing gained.