The Paul Herd book has some misinformation yes, nobody will dispute that, I paid $29 from Mancini Racing many years ago now, but it also has, allot of correct & good information too... There are allot of books out there that are good, there are allot that aren't so good too... You would be smart to cross reference between a few of them, not just any "one book", on these cars is 100% accurate !!, that I've seen anyway... There's allot of self interpretation, creative license with the many different writers, editorials & views, some are from actual factory, engineering or assembly-line personal experiences too, that never were part of the actual "documentation", that allot of the "purist crowd", love to always quote... There was allot of mistakes & allot of weird things going on in all the plants, that aren't documented & no one book spells them all out... I say "Fill your Library, before you Fill your Garage"... The more information you have the better... I haven't been banned from any site yet !!, but I also haven't gone & posted over there for years now, there're some decent people & some good information, over there... There's just the over the top, so called "know it all's", old timer cliques', a bunch of cyber bullies, way too many pissing contests & arguments, no tolerance for any sense of humor... Especially with the "purist mentality" types, along with the spelling police or the Nazi Mentality moderators {if your not in their clique', your held to a different standard}, that drive allot of good knowledgeable people away or to not post for fear of reprisals... They do still have some great information & some great people, if you can filter thru all the BS 1st, but this is a better forum thou, IHMFO anyway... Thanks Joey
- - - Updated - - - & are both good sites also, for mostly accurate information too, happy hunting