I'd like to see the threads for Leanna combined into one to make it easier now and in posterity...
In the meantime, I was contacted by a gentleman today who had just heard about Leanna and
wanted to copy/paste something I'd written to a forum she frequented, one I'd never heard of before.
Of course I said "sure" - like we own anything we write online anyways, right? - and didn't think anything
more of it, other than how polite and pleasant the conversation had been.
Then, I started getting notices from the GFM site - it seems as folks on that forum of which he spoke started
to see the notice he had posted, they started stepping up and for whatever reason, I was somehow getting tagged??
Then it finally occurred to me...
The link I had given him for the GFM page was one assigned to me by GFM when I went there to copy/paste it to
him - and while that was the furthest thing from my mind when I did it, I'll admit it's gratifying to know I inadvertantly
had something to do with others both learning of her passing and subsequently choosing to help out, too.
Found another forum that looks interesting to peruse as well.
Maybe if some others found it in their hearts to share a link to the GFM, more people will find out about Leanna and
choose to help as well, who knows?
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