Decision after evolution is a lot of politics,corporations,daily small businesses it’s like following national news of what everything is going on..
it’s a two hour long documentary movie from the eyes who live on Odessa: the general public who have a sit down talk on tv infront of earth to elites like singers,actors,Democratic and Republican politicians from Odessa,with alien hints in politics like the bar scene where many just think it’s daily life like any news in the world that’s on everyday for days but aliens it’s not the major plot until the end where it turns into a movie about a alien attack it’s like a food channel vacation to parts of the world most don’t know to learn about foods to black site technology. Decision after evolution is more of a book it’s very hard to movie’ize it because I want everything in it that’s apart of the culture of Odessa from new designs for food that sells on earth after the movie, to technology that sells on earth after the movie… I want a movie where the movie sells patents sells ideals and a movie where people can learn new ways of doing things.
Decision after evolution isn’t a movie like counter fact with fiction and Windermere but it expands out into the solar system in politics corporate affairs on Mars rover missions,stations,culture,economics.. Jupiter gas mining technology,technology to cultivate asteroids,technology using magnets to throw metal out of earth orbital rotation called a cleaning bot for new satellites that was used at Odessa, to mothership technologies life support cabin culture space vacations, moon muesuem where the first landing occurred where the foot prints are seen and flag is seen by pedestrians vacationing, to Venus heat expolsons, to new words with new meanings but still English to China political affairs in space Russia political affairs in space and making them both strong players not just all American front against aliens in counter fact with fiction that’s why it’s so hard to make a movie for decision after evolution because in wanting to show all evolution the most I can do where if I was a billionaire I would invest billions into this movie especially if I had thousands of workers for it! I want to do a STAR CITIZEN YALL I KNOW STAR CITIZEN GOT MY IDEAL FIRST BUT IM WANTING TO CAPITALIZE ON IT WITH MORE AND MORE LORE WHERE THE LORE GOES FOR TRILLIONS OF WORDS IN A NOVEL FROM SHIP CULTURE PLANET CULTURE I WANT TO MAKE GAMES INSIDE THE MOVIE THAT ARE PLAYABLE I WANT TO MAKE A WORLD THAT IS HUGE WITH LORE I WISH I HAD THOUSANDS THINKING ON THIS STORY TO ADD INTO IT.
Windermere it’s a faint hint at aliens in the world at the end. Counter fact with fiction is full blown alien apoc on Odessa in the world of what earth watchers learned about Odessa in the documentary that made aliens attack in decision after evolution.