You rock Ron! Love your thread, love your posts. FYI, Maria and I saw Rain yesterday and today we're getting drunk listening to Beatles music, dancing in our living room. Mopars and Rock n Roll!
Well now, i got to see rain today, back and forth to the garage, NO Beatles, i just play the oldies, takes them all in, i love the sounds of the 70's! My wife and i had a ball in those days...
"Just keep on it Ron and enjoy the 73 as much as you can when you can!"
EVERY chance i get

, Im waiting on a new radiator right now, sometimes the 73 does need to come before the 69...
"Nice Ron! Liking the extra artistic welding flare with your signature as well. Good to see you're having fun with it!"
Thanks Will, I couldn't resist a little fun thinking maybe 50 year from now ill be cussed at for using today's technology lol!!!
"Looking great Ron, Spring is here, next thing you know you'll be working with all the doors open. I love those days you can open the door and let the sun shine in, not too cold, not too hot... Just right.
Keep up the good work brother!"
Thanks buddy! i am sure looking forward to opening doors after a long winter for sure!!!
"Nice work Ron, keeping on plugging away it!"
lol, Devin, im as slow as they come but plugging away? Yes sir indeed, ill keep that up as long as it takes, ok, well as long as i can!
"I myself can't wait any longer for spring,lol. Nice progress Ron. Looking good."
Thanks bud, Anyone who aint looking forward to spring by now should be taken to Antarctica for a one day cruise! lol..
"I like the progress Ron. I am glad to see those rockers should be good for another 50 years!"
Kevin, That is what i pray for bud, I wont be around but if any rust is found on or in this car in 40-50 years, i do hope some wakes me up to tell me...

Then i can take a couple company's to court, they say "PERMANENTLY" lol