You're a class act Ron. Keep up the good work, she'll get done someday.
A class act?, Nope, maybe the class clown bud! At least my wife used to tell me that so longggg ago lol.. Ive seen some of your work, i think the last was you doing some leading, that my friend is a class act, you don't seem to put in to much on your build but, what you do put in is really "a class act" great work in a shop from what i have seen would be a pleasure just to be in! I thank you much for being here to push, help, inspire me to get this done one day, i don't care about time with it only because im building a particular car that i did own at one time although it wasent optioned as good as this one when new but, i did have it, race it a little (street) and had one great time in it! Before i got this American made rice burner, Kia with 17,00 miles the 69 RR i had back then was the newest car i ever owned with almost 20,000 miles on it lol, gos against the grain after i got the Kia, the RR
was at the top.. thanks bud...
Mar, You are another "class act" Oh the heck with all this lol, ALL you guys have to be a class act, your in hear and we who love the Mopars are a class act, im not makin any bones with anything, there is a few other cars i really like outside of Mopar's but the Mopar has always been at the top of the list, any one of us who had them back in the day will know with the others they just didn't add up to Mopar's, Chrysler one way or another always got the drop on the others, my first one was the car you either love or hate, i loved mine, a 67 Charger, how can you get away from the interior on them, the dash lights alone! ill never forget the first time i turned on the lights with that car, now we have LED, back then compare the others with that Charger and see what kind of look you get lol...
hsorman, Im a rockin! every chance i get... Im loving it and yes i sure would like to be where you are with the 70, but i do want to enjoy the build i do hope maybe someday it can work out so i can get and do another car and the 70 RR would be at the top of my list, It was my wife's favorite car long before we were married,, along with others i would get in a heart beat if i had the money and health at the same time, one other in particular makes me think everytime i see them and its not one that most would want i guess and thats a 71-73 Charger, even a year or two over that, the 71-72 is ones i would try for quick.. I like so many but with me,, building one makes them special, just buying one outright isint the same, and im getting old lol.. Im enjoying until i cant anymore...
Devin your right, this is an addiction and one i highly recommend, I would like to think we who get in hear and post our work however little it may be would bring other guys or gals in who find one and want to build there own piece of some paradise fun on earth.. Ive said it before but anyone who wants one of these cars can find one and build it if they really want one, its fun to watch but sooner or later, the itch gets ya, some of us here wont last long after there last build before they have another one they get, lol i would bet on it!
I do thank you all for watching and you who aren't saying anything, no problem, get one and enjoy the fun it is! Sweating are ya's lol, it wont get better until ya give in and join us! He he.............