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Project long haul...

Nice Ron, cant wait to see how this car turns out for you. I would love to do a 68 or 69 as my next project, but I don't have the money or space for another project right now, and may never again, so I guess I will live vicariously through your project!!!! LOL
I really don't have the money and space myself idrivemopar but, i want it so i hope you do enjoy it, im sure it will get a little on the waiting side for things though..
I thank everyone for the input and especially on the exhaust as ive thought about it a lot and have kind of already made up my mind about what i want, and i hope everyone will tell me what they think that has it, hearing is helping me a lot, Its pretty far off but like i said, its good for me to have things lined up, and these winter nights give you time for sure, Will i do go along with you with the air shocks but the chances of me having them on the car when it leaves the first time are not to good, i want the Eddy gas filled shocks and i wont do it now but i do want when the time comes to pick your brain on the brakes, i think you went with Willwood's and i have my head set on those as well,
I do know im getting ahead of things but it keeps me going, keeps my mind occupied with the car, First i have to build it and i will do that, if i run into a place where it has to set because of funds, so be it, but if it takes me a decade i will get it done hence the "Project long haul", yep, i named it right because i knew it was going to be an expensive one, one way or the other... AND i still have the 73 to play with while i wait on ?? lol
I thank you for the offer of the springs 69 GTX, I cant appreciate it enough, i don't really know if i need them or not at this point though, maybe those helpers were racing stuff or something, sitting in my drive before the car went in they weren't even close to hitting, it was confusing some,, wondering at the time BUT, if you have them later if by chance i do need a used set, ill talk with you! its guys like you that make these builds better, Matt, im glad to see you around, i don't know about the perseverance but im truly glad to have this chance to build the one you know ive always wanted back! Thanks bud, i thank you all and hope to get some good updates,, Im not replacing the firewall, ill do what it takes to make it solid and right again, its been all done before by many and there will be one more, solid is solid, new or repaired... talk soon i hope and thanks to all...
Hey guys, as crazy as it sounds and i would hate to think im the only nut hear!, If a couple of you see's an extra thank you you didn't have before, its me, i could resist the thought of going over my own work thinking about my plans that are drawing closer, i cant wait to share this part coming as ive waited, ive worried, i did my homework,,, several times :) and im about to get it worked out but anyway going thru and reading, looking at pictures and trying to find a way to post this stuff and get it right and good for you guys, like so many has done for me, if you knew it or not lol i see i didn't plant a thank you with a couple, from me, i would rather give them, then get them, if it were not for you all, i wonder what i would be doing, i told my wife the night before last that i wished i would have got on here and checked things cause i had a horrible day, enough said but i told her going by what i was feeling at the time that IF i would have got on here, i may have made it to that shop if even to clean up something, anything because you all seem to get the adrenalin going! Just cant beat the folks, info, help, support, i could go on but any who wouldn't understand this has not been here long enough or had problems big enough, im not trying to build heads,,, just make them smile as i do when i see all the things you all post.
I tell ya what, Ron...I love lurking this thread and seeing the 69Runner come to life.

It's a moment of Zen in my day. Rock on Brother!

Keep rocking Ron! You are at the hardest part of the build, but soon you will be able to turn the corner and start bolting stuff back on the car - that is cool and addicting!

Addiction is the word, I think we're all a little sick in the head. Who in their right mind would buy a rotted out car then proceed to punish themselves both physically and finacially for months or years fixing all of the many issues just to have a cool car? Keep after it Ron, we're all enjoying watching you fulfill a dream even if it hurts haha.
You're a class act Ron. Keep up the good work, she'll get done someday.


A class act?, Nope, maybe the class clown bud! At least my wife used to tell me that so longggg ago lol.. Ive seen some of your work, i think the last was you doing some leading, that my friend is a class act, you don't seem to put in to much on your build but, what you do put in is really "a class act" great work in a shop from what i have seen would be a pleasure just to be in! I thank you much for being here to push, help, inspire me to get this done one day, i don't care about time with it only because im building a particular car that i did own at one time although it wasent optioned as good as this one when new but, i did have it, race it a little (street) and had one great time in it! Before i got this American made rice burner, Kia with 17,00 miles the 69 RR i had back then was the newest car i ever owned with almost 20,000 miles on it lol, gos against the grain after i got the Kia, the RR was at the top.. thanks bud... :)

Mar, You are another "class act" Oh the heck with all this lol, ALL you guys have to be a class act, your in hear and we who love the Mopars are a class act, im not makin any bones with anything, there is a few other cars i really like outside of Mopar's but the Mopar has always been at the top of the list, any one of us who had them back in the day will know with the others they just didn't add up to Mopar's, Chrysler one way or another always got the drop on the others, my first one was the car you either love or hate, i loved mine, a 67 Charger, how can you get away from the interior on them, the dash lights alone! ill never forget the first time i turned on the lights with that car, now we have LED, back then compare the others with that Charger and see what kind of look you get lol...

hsorman, Im a rockin! every chance i get... Im loving it and yes i sure would like to be where you are with the 70, but i do want to enjoy the build i do hope maybe someday it can work out so i can get and do another car and the 70 RR would be at the top of my list, It was my wife's favorite car long before we were married,, along with others i would get in a heart beat if i had the money and health at the same time, one other in particular makes me think everytime i see them and its not one that most would want i guess and thats a 71-73 Charger, even a year or two over that, the 71-72 is ones i would try for quick.. I like so many but with me,, building one makes them special, just buying one outright isint the same, and im getting old lol.. Im enjoying until i cant anymore...

Devin your right, this is an addiction and one i highly recommend, I would like to think we who get in hear and post our work however little it may be would bring other guys or gals in who find one and want to build there own piece of some paradise fun on earth.. Ive said it before but anyone who wants one of these cars can find one and build it if they really want one, its fun to watch but sooner or later, the itch gets ya, some of us here wont last long after there last build before they have another one they get, lol i would bet on it! :)

I do thank you all for watching and you who aren't saying anything, no problem, get one and enjoy the fun it is! Sweating are ya's lol, it wont get better until ya give in and join us! He he.............
Ron, good to see that you're making progress (more than I am,lol). You getting things done lets me see what I need to do since we are both (re) building our cars about the same. that helps me with what I need to do. Just wish Sherman's didn't tell me that they didn't have the half rails and I had to buy the other frame "caps". Like I said, i'll make 'em work. I see Gabby is almost as tall as the hood. lmao. I know once you get the floor put in, you'll step back and look and say to yourself "what a difference" I know I did and had to bring Vicky out to the garage and show her. I still can't get her to come out and help me though.
I am one that doesn't say much but I have been watching your thread very closely (Along with a few other resto threads), and I want to thank you for saving that bird.
I am constantly amazed at what some of you guys put yourselves through, I have only done two complete restorations a long time ago, and I think together they where less than half the work your doing on yours.
Keep up the good work, this is better than any reality show on tv.
Think of our wives......they must be crazy too

Addiction is the word, I think we're all a little sick in the head. Who in their right mind would buy a rotted out car then proceed to punish themselves both physically and finacially for months or years fixing all of the many issues just to have a cool car? Keep after it Ron, we're all enjoying watching you fulfill a dream even if it hurts haha.

keep going Ron....they get done and the excitement only builds!
Love watching the progress Ron! I agree, I wish I was starting with a car as solid as yours haha keep after it!
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Hi Ron I agree with you about having a bad day, logging on here and instantly start to feel better. This is a great group of peeps with the same addiction and this hobby is an addiction, and I don't think any of us wants a cure haha so no you're not the only nut here. :upside down::tard::upside down: Keep up the great work.
Ron, good to see that you're making progress (more than I am,lol). You getting things done lets me see what I need to do since we are both (re) building our cars about the same. that helps me with what I need to do. Just wish Sherman's didn't tell me that they didn't have the half rails and I had to buy the other frame "caps". Like I said, i'll make 'em work. I see Gabby is almost as tall as the hood. lmao. I know once you get the floor put in, you'll step back and look and say to yourself "what a difference" I know I did and had to bring Vicky out to the garage and show her. I still can't get her to come out and help me though.

Roger, happy to make it easier! I do hope that will happen, I know your doing what im starting now, maybe you can be my help when i get to the front! lol, Im in the same boat with Sue, she may stop in but help! ah huh... :) Thanks bud.

440+6 :) i cant speak for everyone but with me its a case if i want the car i have to do it lol, the option of hiring a shop to do all this just isint there! Im glad your enjoying the threads because i do to, i have since ive been here, i kind of live in the resto section, watching them is better then the TV.. Thanks bud....

kb67mopar Again, I cant speak for everyone but my wife i drove crazy a longgg time ago lol, "All you talk about is the cars!" But dear, im home, im not talking about women, THEN it gets quiet, a scary kind of quiet like she's wondering why that is now.. I love it! Always keeping her on her toes...

pat Im just happy to have this shot at it, im slow but i cant see trying to hurry it done, it isint in that fantastic shape everyone likes so, ill put it there, it isint a survivor, its a brought back from the grave kid of deal lol...

John thanks for admitting im not the only nut here, i do agree with the addiction we all have and to be honest, i hope more get addicted to the same thing! :) Today has been a long one but i had to stop in and see whats happening here before i hit the sheets!!! Its the "addiction" part of it...
Well Ron . . . if it's an addiction that you're calling it, then you better sign me up and add my name to the list ! And a recent post to my thread really summed it up so nicely, he called my build a "Mad Scientist Build" . . . LMAO . . . and I think he may have hit the nail on the head ! And yes, checking in with all your FBBO friends ( or is that addicts ) is also a necessity.

Can we be cured . . . I don't want to be cured . . . I want to continue down this path and finish my build the way I want to do it . . . . I may be a mad scientist, but I'm going to put the thing together the way I want to, and at my pace ( when time and money allots ), and hopefully some day - I'l be driving my "addiction" . . . ( smile )

Keep building Ron - I'm following your build !
I'll continue to add to the same sentiment! You're in a position better than most Ron. Having one car to drive and enjoy and the next to see through at your own pace to a finished product that is the way you want it and something to be proud of..

Just keep on your Grind! :)
Khan, watching your thread, You have been signed up for a long time!!! :) I enjoy watching everyone else s work, makes me feel like i can manage another day lol...

HYRDGOON Thanks much it does help me to have my 73, its another form of inspiration, i just wish my 69 had the same amount of original (no need to fix/replace) as the 73 lol....
hsorman, Im a rockin! every chance i get... Im loving it and yes i sure would like to be where you are with the 70, but i do want to enjoy the build i do hope maybe someday it can work out so i can get and do another car and the 70 RR would be at the top of my list, It was my wife's favorite car long before we were married,, along with others i would get in a heart beat if i had the money and health at the same time, one other in particular makes me think everytime i see them and its not one that most would want i guess and thats a 71-73 Charger, even a year or two over that, the 71-72 is ones i would try for quick.. I like so many but with me,, building one makes them special, just buying one outright isint the same, and im getting old lol.. Im enjoying until i cant anymore...

Well Ron, depending on where you are located, maybe I can swing by on my drive across country (looking like September) and you and your bride can check out the 70 green machine in person! We can go for a ride and maybe get something to eat. Perhaps the missus wants to pound some gears with the pistol grip shifter! :grin:

WOW, I don't pay attention i guess... I do have some small updates, i welded the shock tower in and i cleaned up the trunk pans being they set this long had some surface rust on them so there sanded and treated with Eastwoods rust converter but this type has to be painted when all is said and done with, the other stuff doesn't need to be but the trunk will be painted so i used this... ill post what pictures i have hear, i know i should do a better job documenting and i keep telling myself that and keep screwing it up! lol Sorry...

And a helper that insisted i turn her in, oops, i mean acknowledge her as shop foreman...


AND some winter stuff, ok, just one to think about.. Last week i think it was we had to replace our submersible water pump that gave up, now were dealing with lots of ice, snow, wind and another yet winter storm starting tonight i think they said, Man i cant wait until spring!!!!!!

I know this isint much of an update and i am doing other things, today i drilled out a BUNCH of spot welds holding the main floor in, it will be coming out soon, if i don't have the help to do one thing, i try to work on something else, i just ordered the paint i need for the leaf springs and differential center chunk and i still need to order, JUST thought about it, a shock mount for the passenger side of differential, I AM slow but i seem to get one thing done or another, I guess more pictures and information would be better, i just get caught up keeping the drive way clear and small things and im not focusing on updates just the car and wood and blaw blaw blaw and that's what it feels like with winter ending, i pray!!! I get our Gabby girl off to school and then my mind starts on my car, one or the other and the 73 i cant even get to now, unless i wanted to be aggressive, and i give that up to being inside with the 69 and keeping warm, slow, but sure! :) Maybe next time ill have better details...
Anyone who thinks like me at all likes to see whats going on with everything, I wont post it all, i mean who wants to see me, IF i had someone up to take a picture of me on the porch bring in the wood we need for tonight! lol, I know i wouldn't, if i didn't have to :) I know all you guys are dealing with it to except a few guys in Californium, Im thinking right now Florida would be a fine place to be right now, shorts and a pool, someone bring drinks to me, oh boy i better get out of this, my wife will hear things in the middle of the night that's a dream, not real... lol.. yep, i think i am losing it for this stretch of year, im tired and im COLD.... Even beside the old wood stove :) keep warm you all!!! AND i will write myself a note on my bench to take more pictures and NOTES of what im doing!
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